Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists: a dubious past and advanced future

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The review article shows the literature data concerning the usage of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists of the Russian market, - spironolactone and eplerenone in different groups of patient, including primary hyperaldosteronism, arterial hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction, chronic kidney disease. The special attention is paid to the questions of tolerance of the drug and safety. We made an attempt to use differential approaches in the choice of spironolactone and eplerenone application in different subgroups of patients.

About the authors

D. A Napalkov

I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: dminap@mail.ru
д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. факультетской терапии №1 ГБОУ ВПО Первый МГМУ им. И.М.Сеченова 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Trubetskaia, d. 8, str. 2


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