Iatrogenic risk factors and correction of dyslipidemia after liver transplantation

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The article analyzes information of the prevalence, causes and mechanisms of development of dyslipidemia in patients after liver transplantation. The authors integrate data from domestic and foreign literature about priorities of choice of lipid-lowering drugs and possible changes in patterns of immunosuppressive drug therapy to reduce the risk of onset and progression of cardiovascular disease in patients who were underwent orthotopic liver transplantation.

About the authors

E. D Kosmacheva

Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; The Research Institute-Regional Clinical Hospital №1 named after Prof. S.V.Ochapovsky of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Region

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. терапии №1 фак-та повышения квалификации и профессиональной переподготовки специалистов ГБОУ ВПО КубГМУ, зам. глав. врача по мед. части ГБУЗ НИИ-ККБ №1 им. проф. С.В.Очаповского, глав. кардиолог Южного федерального округа и Краснодарского края 350063, Russian Federation, Krasnodar, ul. Sedina, d. 4

A. E Babich

The Research Institute-Regional Clinical Hospital №1 named after Prof. S.V.Ochapovsky of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Region

Email: Anna-babich1@yandex.ru
врач-терапевт хирургического отд-ния №1 ГБУЗ НИИ-ККБ №1 им. проф. С.В.Очаповского 350029, Russian Federation, Krasnodar, ul. 1 Maia, d. 16


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