Clinical features of the course of tuberculous meningitis in HIV-infected patients

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Background. Central nervous system tuberculosis is one of the most severe forms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, which is due to an unfavorable clinical course, a high incidence of neurological complications and deaths. Despite this, the problem of early diagnosis is still not solved.

Aim. To study the clinical and laboratory-instrumental features of the early diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis in HIV-infected patients.

Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 31 case histories of patients with tuberculous lesions of the meninges and central nervous system in the late stages of HIV infection who were treated at the Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary of Krasnodar Territory in 2020–2022 was carried out. The data of clinical manifestations of the disease, the results of laboratory and instrumental methods of examination were analyzed. Statistical data processing was performed by Microsoft Office Excel 2021 with the calculation of averages, standard deviation.

Results. Tuberculous lesions of the meninges and the central nervous system among HIV-infected people were more common in men of working age who were not previously registered in a tuberculosis dispensary. All HIV-infected patients had late stages of HIV infection with severe immunodeficiency: the content of CD4+ lymphocytes less than 100 cells was detected in 45.46%; from 100 to 200 cells/µl of CD4+ lymphocytes were recorded in 36.36%, more than 200 cells/µl in 18.18%. Also, in all the studied patients, the primary focus was established in the form of tuberculosis of the respiratory organs, represented in 56.52% of cases by disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis. More than 70% had generalized tuberculosis with damage to the kidneys, spleen, and peripheral lymph nodes. A feature of the manifestation of tuberculous meningitis in HIV-infected people can be considered a high frequency of acute increase in neurological symptoms. Of the cerebral manifestations, the most common were: headache, dizziness, photophobia. 13.04% of HIV-infected patients complained of nausea and vomiting. 91.30% showed signs of damage to the substance of the brain, represented by mono-, hemiparesis and damage to the cranial nerves, mainly III–IV, VI, VII pairs. The composition of CSF in HIV-positive patients revealed the presence of mild pleocytosis (up to 100 cells/µl) in 56.52% of cases. The nature of the change in the concentration of proteins, chlorides and glucose is nonspecific.

Conclusions. The study revealed the features of medical and social characteristics, clinical and laboratory and instrumental picture of tuberculous meningitis in HIV-infected patients and without HIV infection.

About the authors

Irina Y. Babaeva

Kuban State Medical University; Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary, Krasnodar

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0369-0321

D. Sci. (Med.), Kuban State Medical University, Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

Andrey I. Shevchenko

Kuban State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9845-4806

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Kuban State Medical University

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

Diana V. Dudchenko

Kuban State Medical University


Аssistant, Kuban State Medical University

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

Christina A. Tolochko

Kuban State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0009-0001-8172-5374

Laboratory Assistant, Kuban State Medical University

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

Victor V. Romantsov

Kuban State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7218-6164

Laboratory Assistant, Kuban State Medical University

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

Egor O. Nartov

Kuban State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0009-0009-6216-4354

Laboratory Assistant, Kuban State Medical University

Russian Federation, Krasnodar


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Distribution of patients by the number of CD 4+ T-lymphocytes in 1 μl of blood, %

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