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Том 8, № 3 (2017)

Effects of Energy Fluxes on Materials

Effects of impurities on the rate of radiation creep and vacancy swelling in Fe-based austenite alloys

Demidov D., Smirnov E.


In the framework of the model of radiation-enhanced diffusion in the systems with impurities, effects of the formation of “vacancy–impurity atom” complexes on accumulation and annealing of radiation defects, rate of the growth of vacancy voids, and radiation creep in Fe-based austenite alloys are investigated. The temperature dependences of the steady-state concentration of radiation point defects, the concentration of vacancy complexes, and the effective coefficient of mutual recombination of radiation defects in materials with impurity complexes with a different bonding energy are calculated. The possibility of the suppression of the vacancy swelling and radiation creep effects due to formation of “vacancy–impurity atom” complexes having a high bonding energy is shown.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):353-358
pages 353-358 views

Laser-plasma sources of ionizing radiation for simulation of radiation effects in microelectronic materials and components

Tsymbalov I., Ivanov K., Volkov R., Savel’ev A., Novikov L., Galanina L., Chirskaya N., Bychenkov V., Chumakov A.


The characteristics of the X-ray and gamma pulses as well as pulsed proton fluxes induced by the action of femotsecond laser pulses (800 nm, 1018 W/cm2) on the surface of liquid gallium and solid molybdenum targets are measured. Estimated calculations show the possibility in principle of availability of these ionizing radiation sources for experimental simulation of single-event effects in advanced microelectronic components with a high degree of integration.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):359-363
pages 359-363 views

Effect of ion polishing on corrosion resistance of the cladding of fuel elements from E110 alloy in the steam water environment

Kalin B., Volkov N., Valikov R., Yashin A.


The method of modification of the outer surface of the cladding of fuel elements from E110 Zr alloy by means of irradiation with a radial beam of Ar+ ions with a broad energy spectrum is proposed. It is shown that the use of ion beam treatment at the final stage of the cladding production can improve the surface quality owing to removal of a large part of surface defects after mechanical polishing. The kinetics of the growth of oxide films on ion-beam-treated (cleaning or polishing by Ar+ ions) tubular Zr alloy specimens in a steam environment (350, 375, and 400°C up to 3000 h) was investigated. Monoclinic zirconia layer formation is found to occur on the specimen surface oxidized at 350°C in water and steam environments. Oxidation of the fragments of the alloy fuel-element cladding in steam under pressure contributes to the formation of a thicker and more friable oxide film in comparison with the oxidation in water.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):364-369
pages 364-369 views

Changes in the characteristics of the fine structure of the ChS-68 steel under neutron irradiation

Glushkova N., Tsygvintsev V., Kozlov A., Panchenko V.


On the basis of the results of X-ray diffraction and microscopy studies of ChS-68 austenitic steel after neutron irradiation at 370°C with doses up to ~2 dpa, a statistical analysis of experimental data was carried out; a linear model of the dependence of the γ-Fe crystal lattice parameter of the solid solution on the elemental composition and radiation dose was developed. Contributions of the elemental composition and damaging dose in the solid solution to changes in the lattice parameter were estimated in the framework of the model.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):370-377
pages 370-377 views

Radiation-induced changes in the structure and mechanical properties of Fe–Mo alloy under electron irradiation

Tsepelev A., Ilyushin A., Kiseleva T., Brovkina E., Melnikov V.


The X-ray diffraction method is used to study radiation-induced changes in the structure and phase state of a model Fe–5% Mo alloy after electron irradiation at room temperature and 400°C. The observed radiation-induced softening of the alloy is explained by a decrease in the Mo concentration in solid solution and an increase in the number of lattice defects. This conclusion is confirmed by the shift of the 200 diffraction maximum toward larger angles and its broadening. Irradiation leads to the oxidation of the alloy, and additional annealing at 400°C causes the formation of spinel Fe2MoO4 and alloy strengthening.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):378-381
pages 378-381 views

Influence of cyclic laser pulses on degradation of a tantalum coating

Karnavskaya T., Kikin P., Perevezentsev V., Rusin E.


The possibility of simulation of pulsed heat exposure on the surface of Ta coating by low-energy cyclic laser irradiation is considered. In is shown that, at a sufficiently small time interval between the laser pulses, the efficiency of laser radiation absorption by the surface is increased permanently owing to the rise in surface temperature and formation of Ta2O5 and Ta2O oxides. This leads to an even greater increase in surface temperature. The laser irradiation regimes resulting in Ta coating degradation and fracture after the action of a large number of laser pulses are ascertained.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):382-386
pages 382-386 views

Texture formation in the surface layer of VT6 alloy targets irradiated by intense pulsed electron beams

Shulov V., Gromov A., Teryaev D., Perlovich Y., Isaenkova M., Fesenko V.


The texture formed in the surface layer of a recrystallized VT6 titanium alloy irradiated by highcurrent pulsed electron beams (HEBs) in a melting mode is studied. It was ascertained that irradiation in the melting mode leads to the formation of compression texture and fine globular-lamellar structure in the surface layer with thickness of 20 μm with preferred orientation of α, α′, and α″ lamellae parallel or nearly parallel to the surface. Structural changes observed in the surface layer are the cause of improvement of fatigue strength of titanium alloy induced by HEB treatment.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):387-391
pages 387-391 views

Plasmochemical Methods of Production and Treatment of Materials

Investigation of the effect of a low-temperature plasma of vapor–gas discharges with the use of electrolytic electrodes at lower pressure on products of complex shape

Gaisin A.


The effects of mechanical, electrochemical, laser, and electrolytic plasma treatment on the morphology and grade of finish of the outside and face surfaces of stator rings made of electrical steel are investigated with the use of X-ray diffraction analysis.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):392-395
pages 392-395 views

Effect of the opening angle of the gas-discharge path on the power efficiency of a plasmatron

Isakaev E., Tyuftyaev A., Gadzhiev M.


To increase the stability of the discharge arc, experimental studies of a plasma generator with a divergent channel of the output electrode are carried out. It is shown that the optimum opening angle of flow of 6° between the inside wall of the channel and the channel axis leads to increased stability of the arc compared to a cylindrical channel of constant cross section.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):396-399
pages 396-399 views

Qualitative study of steel cutting with the use of the narrow jet plasma technology

Anakhov S., Pugacheva N., Pykin Y., Matushkin A., Bykova T.


By metallography and optical interferometry methods, the structure of 09G2S steel cutting seams fabricated with the use of narrow jet plasma technology is analyzed. The high quality of the seams allows welding without the removal of the heat-affected zones. The application of the new narrow jet plasma cutting technology provides high-quality welding seams, high efficiency of the process, and low energy consumption.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):400-405
pages 400-405 views

Thermochemical plasma-arc treatment of leucoxene concentrate

Nikolaev A., Kirpichev D., Samokhin A., Nikolaev A.


The ability to separate titanium and silicon oxides under plasma arc reduction melting of the leucoxene concentrate of the Yareg deposit is investigated. The results of thermodynamic calculations of optimal conditions of the process and the experimental data on the product composition and the process power inputs are presented.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):406-411
pages 406-411 views

The influence of a powerful stream of deuterium ions and deuterium plasma on the structural state of the surface layer of titanium

Demin A., Morozov E., Maslyaev S., Pimenov V., Gribkov V., Demina E., Sasinovskaya I., Sirotinkin V., Sprygin U., Bondarenko G., Tikhonov A., Gaidar A.


The effect of a high-power pulsed flow of deuterium ions and deuterium plasma generated in a plasma focus setup on the surface structure of a Ti plate was investigated. It was established that, depending on the radiation-thermal conditions on the surface, three zones with different surface morphology, structure, and defects were formed in the surface layer irradiated. The peculiarities of the surface damage in the center of the irradiated region of the Ti target exposed to the most severe radiation (power density of the ion and plasma flows of qi ≈ 1011–1012 and qp ≈ 109–1010 W/cm2, respectively) were studied, as well as those for the peripheral region exposed to softer radiation.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):412-418
pages 412-418 views

Small-angle X-ray scattering investigation of carbon- and titanium-containing nano- and microparticles deposited from an arc-discharge low-temperature plasma

Smolanov N., Neverov V.


A disperse system of microparticles deposited on the walls of the vacuum chamber at electroarc sputtering of titanium under a nitrogen and acetylene atmosphere is studied by means of small-angle X-ray scattering. It is found that the particles with the radii of gyration Rg ≈ 8–16 nm, which can be classified as mass fractals, i.e., particles (clusters) with a linear size of ~5–55 nm and a developed porous surface, make the main contribution to scattering. The fractal dimension of the particles D = 2.62.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):419-422
pages 419-422 views

Functional Coatings and Surface Treatment

Elemental and phase composition of TiB2–Mo coating sprayed on a steel by electro-explosive method

Romanov D., Goncharova E., Budovskikh E., Gromov V., Ivanov Y., Teresov A.


The elemental and phase composition of the surface layer of Hardox 450 steel with a composite TiB2–Mo coating sprayed by an electro-explosive method are investigated after pulsed irradiation with an intense electron beam of submillisecond duration. Electron-beam treatment conditions leading to formation of a dense surface layer with high luster with a submicrograin structure on the basis of titanium diboride and nickel are ascertained. It is shown that an electron-beam treatment under melting rate leads to formation of a surface layer with homogeneous structure and uniform concentration distribution.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):423-427
pages 423-427 views

Tribological properties of Babbitt alloy coatings modified with carbon nanotubes

Kobernik N., Mikheev R., Kalashnikov I., Kobeleva L., Bolotova L.


The tribological properties of composite coatings produced via the plasma-powder surfacing on a steel substrate are investigated. SnSb8Cu4 Babbitt alloy powder and composite pellets on its basis containing carbon nanotubes are used as fillers. The changes in the coefficient of friction, dispersion parameter, and wear rate are studied for deposited Babbitt coatings modified with carbon nanotubes produced by the catalytic pyrolysis of a propane–butane mixture on a NiO/MgO catalyst and via the synthesis of carbon nanostructures on the copper powder surface. The coefficient of friction and wear rate are compared for coatings modified and not modified with carbon nanotubes.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):428-433
pages 428-433 views

Elastic stresses and microstructure of TiAlN coatings

Perevalova O., Panin A., Kalashnikov M., Akulinkin A., Bozhko I., Sergeev V.


By X-ray diffraction and transmission diffraction electron microscopy methods, the phase composition, macro- and microstresses, and microstructure in a Ti1–xAlxN coating and a substrate were investigated. The coatings were deposited by magnetron sputtering of a Ti–Al target in an Ar + N gas reaction mixture on a substrate of austenitic steel 12Kh18N10T preliminarily bombarded with a titanium ion beam. It was found that the increase in the duration of the preliminary ion treatment of the substrate leads to increasing compression macrostresses and refining of a nanocrystalline columnar microstructure in the Ti1–xAlxN coating.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):434-443
pages 434-443 views

The boundary between the hydroxyapatite coating and titanium substrate

Kalita V., Radyuk A., Komlev D., Ivannikov A., Komlev V., Demin K.


The effect of the heating of a Ti substrate to 300 and 550°C on the microhardness of a hydroxyapatite (HA) plasma coating, Ti, and their interface is investigated in specimens in different states (as sprayed, after hydrothermal (650°C, 3 h) and vacuum heat treatment (800, 1000, 1100°C, 3 h)). It is shown that the preliminary heating of the substrate to 550°C leads to the interface microhardness increasing from 2.32 to 3.07 GPa, while the following heat treatment has a weak influence on that. After the heat treatment, the microhardness of the HA coating is increased from 3.0 to 3.8 GPa and the microhardness of the Ti substrate near the boundary is increased from 2.5 to 6.9 GPa. A slight effect of the heat treatment on the interface microhardness is explained by preservation of the interface structure formed under HA plasma spraying on the heated substrate. The distribution of chemical elements near the interface between the coating and substrate is studied by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES).

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):444-451
pages 444-451 views

Composite Materials

Production of spherical powders on the basis of group IV metals for additive manufacturing

Kotlyarov V., Beshkarev V., Kartsev V., Ivanov V., Gasanov A., Yuzhakova E., Samokhin A., Fadeev A., Alekseev N., Sinayskiy M., Tretyakov E.


The method of production of group IV powders for additive manufacturing is presented. Powders are produced in the hydrogenation-dehydrogenation process followed by plasma spheroidization of prepared polygonal powders. The dependence of composition of hydrides on amount of absorbed hydrogen is established for the group IV metals; it allows optimizing the technological parameters of processes for hydrogenation and grinding. It is shown that spherical powders of titanium, Ti–6Al–4V, and Zr–10% Ti of mass fractions of 40–70 μm and not less than 40 μm with calculated spheroidization level achieving 96% may be produced in Ar + 8 vol % H2 thermal plasma flow generated by an arc-jet plasma generator. The average roundness factor is 1.01.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):452-458
pages 452-458 views

Structural characteristics of a mechanically alloyed Al–Fe powder composite

Artyukh V., Yusupov V., Zelensky V., Kholin M., Fakhurtdinov R.


The published data on the use of functional composite materials on the basis of Al–Fe intermetallic compounds are presented. Advantages of the solid-phase technology of aluminide production (mechanical alloying + thermal synthesis) when compared to the liquid-phase technology, namely, lower energy consumption and better control over the structure and phase composition of the material, are noted. The distribution of Al and Fe in the powder composite is determined using metallographic methods. It is shown that the use of the fraction of Al powder of 60–80 μm and the fraction of Fe powder of 20–40 μm is reasonable for production of composite materials with a more uniform distribution of the Fe component. It follows from the results of microhardness measurements that significant strain hardening of Al and Fe particles occurs during mechanical alloying.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):459-463
pages 459-463 views

Chromium concentration profiles in vacuum-sintered Fe–Cr–Co alloys

Ustyukhin A., Alymov M., Krishenik P., Levinsky Y., Rogachev S.


Magnetically hard Fe–Cr–Co alloys doped with molybdenum and tungsten are prepared using powder metallurgy technology. It is found that chromium evaporation from the specimen surface occurs during sintering, which results in mass losses and nonuniform chemical composition and has a negative impact on the functional properties of the sintered material. A mathematical model describing the diffusional mass transfer and evaporation of chromium in a sample being sintered is presented. The modeled chromium concentration profiles are in qualitative agreement with the corresponding experimental profiles of the sintered specimens obtained via energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, performed using an electron microprobe. The evaporation of chromium is found to be the most intense in the first few minutes of sintering.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):464-468
pages 464-468 views

The influence of iron powder cladding with nickel on properties of sintered materials

Meilakh A.


This article discusses sintering of sprayed iron powder cladded with nickel. Mechanisms of packing and formation of structural characteristics and mechanical properties as a function of sintering temperature, composition, application procedure, and conditions of thermal treatment of 0.5–2.0% Ni coatings are determined. Cladding upon combined use of post reduction of coatings with sintering makes it possible to reduce the porosity by 2–3% and to improve the mechanical properties of materials by 1.4–1.9 times in comparison with composites based on micropowder blends.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):469-472
pages 469-472 views

New Methods of Treatment and Production of Materials with Required Properties

Deagglomeration of nanostructured aluminum oxyhydroxide upon shock wave impact of electrohydraulic discharge

Lerner M., Gorbikov I., Bakina O., Kasantzev S.


This article discusses the patterns of deagglomeration of aluminum oxyhydroxide nanosheets upon electrohydraulic discharge. The dispersion efficiency by electrohydraulic discharge is higher than that of ultrasound impact. The highest influence on destruction efficiency is exerted by the time of energy release, which determines the intensity of cavitation processes in water. No disintegration of initial nanostructures is observed under the selected parameters of electric pulses.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):473-478
pages 473-478 views

The form of the existence of Al in Fe–Sn melts with exogenous nanoparticles of refractory oxides

Burtsev V., Anuchkin S., Kazenas E., Volchenkova V., Andreeva N., Penkina T.


Interaction of refractory phase nanoparticles (Al2O3) with a surfactant in Fe–Sn melt resulting in removal of the nanoparticle + Sn complexes to the Me–ceramic or Me–gas interface is investigated. Using the method of atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma were developed new methods of quantitative determination of the different modes of occurrence of aluminum in iron alloys: Al, dissolved in metal and aluminum—in the form of corundum Al2O3. It is shown that, owing to adsorption interaction of Al2O3 particles with Sn, the part of Sn removed from the melt is 22.5%, while the part of Al2O3 nanoparticles removed in the form of Fe + (Al2O3 + Sn) complexes is 65%. Up to 98% of aluminum in the melt is found in the form of Al2O3 particles and the only ~2% is in the solution.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):479-483
pages 479-483 views

Application of thermal analysis technique for development of technology of melt preparation to obtain “thick” amorphous Co-alloy microwires

Chueva T., Molokanov V., Umnov P., Umnova N.


The thermal analysis technique of estimating the ability of a melt to overcool is used to determine the optimum technological regimes of melt preparation in all the production stages of amorphous wires. The temperature range of high-temperature melt homogenization and the regimes of precursor extraction and melting are defined for the model Co69Fe4Cr4Si12B11 alloy. With use of the established regimes of heat treatment, the precursor melting is conducted and the samples of high-ductile amorphous microwires with a diameter 200 μm are produced by the Ulitovsky–Taylor method.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017;8(3):484-490
pages 484-490 views

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