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卷 8, 编号 1 (2017)


Trajectory optimization of dynamically controlled objects in INS/GNSS integrated navigation system

Aleshechkin A., Erokhin V.


Algorithms optimizing the trajectory of dynamically controlled object based on integral and local criteria are synthesized. Observability measure is proposed as a decision optimization rule. It is shown that optimal trajectory control improves the accuracy of navigation solutions by INS/GNSS navigation system data using automatic dependent surveillance.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2017;8(1):15-23
pages 15-23 views

Influence of translational vibrations, shocks and acoustic noise on MEMS gyro performance

Nekrasov Y., Moiseev N., Belyaev Y., Pavlova S., Lyukshonkov R.


The influence of vibrations, shocks and acoustic noise on MEMS gyro performance is studied. Comparison of characteristics of the gyros with different resonance frequencies (3 and 8 kHz) of the inertial body suspension has revealed the advantage of the sensor with higher resonance frequency. The test results for two modifications of RR-type MEMS gyro developed at CSRI Elektropribor are presented.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2017;8(1):31-37
pages 31-37 views

Passive methods of enhancing thermal stability of nanostructured fiber-optic gyros

Golikov A., Pankratov V., Pankratova E.


The paper focuses on enhancing the thermal stability (reducing the temperature differences) in fiber-optic gyros and accelerometers within a strapdown inertial navigation system by applying nanostructure composite materials based on carbon nanotubes with high thermal conductivity.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2017;8(1):38-42
pages 38-42 views

A correcting filter for a mechanically dithered single-axis ring laser gyro

Klimkovich B., Tolochko A.


A correcting digital filter for a mechanically dithered single-axis ring laser gyro (RLG) is proposed. The filter is intended to determine the angular position of a strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) in the RLG sensitivity axis using the known value of the RLG angular position with respect to inertial space, taking into account the models of the suspension elastic forces nonlinearity, the hysteresis model of vibration energy dissipation, and the model of the suspension piezoceramic vibratory drive. Parameterized models of nonlinearity, dissipation, and the output characteristic of the suspension piezoceramic drive have been developed. A method for finding nonlinearity parameters of elastic forces using a set of experimental amplitudefrequency characteristics (AFC) is proposed. Numerical simulations of the AFCs of an elliptic eliminator and a correcting filter under sinusoidal rotation of the SINS with the amplitude of 1 arcmin in the frequency band of 80–3600 Hz have been performed. The efficiency of the proposed filter has been verified experimentally under pulse action on the SINS; the test results are discussed. Comparison of the experimental and calculated data shows the adequacy of the proposed models and satisfactory operation of the correcting digital filter.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2017;8(1):43-50
pages 43-50 views

AUV acoustic positioning methods

Kebkal K., Mashoshin A.


The paper provides an overview of acoustic positioning methods for autonomous underwater vehicles. Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2017;8(1):80-89
pages 80-89 views

Comprehensive overview of quickest detection theory and its application to GNSS threat detection

Egea-Roca D., Seco-Granados G., López-Salcedo J.


Local threats such as radio frequency interference, multipath and spoofing have attracted the attention of many researchers in the past years thus leading to a myriad of contributions in the field of threat detection. Nevertheless, the current state of the art relies on classical detection techniques, which are not well suited for threat detection. In this paper, we take a leap forward by adopting the so-called quickest detection framework. This approach fits perfectly in critical applications where the aim is to detect the presence of local threats as soon as possible in order to improve the integrity of GNSS receivers.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2017;8(1):1-14
pages 1-14 views

Quasioptimal estimation of GNSS signal parameters in coherent reception mode using sigma-point Kalman filter

Shavrin V., Tislenko V., Lebedev V., Konakov A., Filimonov V., Kravets A.


The paper presents a multiloop system for tracking the radionavigation parameters of navigation satellite signals in the user equipment. Comparative analysis of accuracies of traditional tracking system with discriminators and filter in the tracking loop and the proposed system without discriminators is conducted. RMS errors of estimates and the probability of signal acquisition are studied under various SNR values. The proposed scheme is shown to outperform the traditional tracking system with discriminators.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2017;8(1):24-30
pages 24-30 views

Accuracy of sensor bias estimation and its relationship with Allan variance

Stepanov O., Chelpanov I., Motorin A.


The paper discusses the relationship between Allan variance and error variance of sensor bias estimate obtained by averaging over a certain period. Allan variance is shown to coincide with this variance in some cases. Bias estimation accuracy can be improved using nonlinear filtering methods in the conditions of uncertain error model.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2017;8(1):51-57
pages 51-57 views

Suboptimal algorithms for identification of navigation sensor errors described by Markov process

Tupysev V., Kruglova N., Motorin A.


The paper discusses the algorithms identifying the parameters of Markov process correlation function based on maximum likelihood function method, least squares method, and approximation of sample characteristics. The algorithms are compared with the algorithms based on Bayesian approach.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2017;8(1):58-62
pages 58-62 views

Generation of a highly-smooth desired path for transverse feedback linearization

Dovgobrod G.


A special type of polynomial curves in implicit representation is proposed. They can be applied to form a desired path (DP) that is close to a physically realizable one. The algorithm designed with the use of transverse feedback linearization provides for precision stabilization of a mobile object or a vehicle on such a path.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2017;8(1):63-67
pages 63-67 views

The state of the art in the development of onboard gravity gradiometers

Evstifeev M.


The state of the art in the development of onboard gravity gradiometers used for mineral exploration and space missions is discussed; the results of their operation are analyzed. Gradiometer designs using atom interferometry are considered. Prospects for the development of gravity gradiometry for various applications are outlined.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2017;8(1):68-79
pages 68-79 views