Role Play As a Means of Shaping the Social And Cultural Competence of Students-Economists in the Technical University




This paper describes the theoretical and practical components of formation of cross-cultural competence for students-economists by using a role-playing game. There are conditions that ensure the maximum efficiency of this kind of student's speech activity. Analysis of the procedural part of the linguistic interactions in role-playing games are provided. The characteristic of language material taking into account features of foreign language teaching in the conditions of technical university is given.


M Bagramyants


к.пс.н., доц.+7-495-223-05-23 доб. 13-80; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI

N Bagramyants

University Of Russian Academy of Education

к.филол.н., доц; УРАО; University Of Russian Academy of Education


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版权所有 © Bagramyants M.L., Bagramyants N.L., 2009

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