Link of the Dendritic Structure of the Alloy Solidifying in a Two-phase Zone with Diffusion Supercooling in the Model of Cellular Two-phase Zone




The papers considers the links of the dendritic structure of metal solidifying in a two-phase zone, with a diffusion overcooling in it, through the use cellular models of two-phase zone. Considered theoretically the experimental results obtained by studying the connection of the diffusion overcooling in a two-zone crystallized alloy with a diffusion overcooling in it. The analysis is based on the use of cellular models of two-phase zone and the numerical solution of the equation. A satisfactory agreement of the change in the diffusion of overcooling in a two-phase zone, depending on its temperature (measured from the liquidus temperature of the alloy). Confirmed the theoretically derived relation between the parameter setting of the dendritic structure with a maximum diffusion overcooling of the alloy at a given cooling rate.


I Sulimtsev


к.ф.-м.н., доц(495) 223-05-23, доб. 1338; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI


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