Registration Technique of Optical and Thermo Radiative Characteristics with Influence Compensation of Scattering Indicatrix of Heat-insulating and Thermal Barrier Materials and Coatings for Combustion Chambers of High Speed Diesel Engines




The experimental stand is developed for registration of reflection and transparence coefficients in visible and IR diapasons, characteristic for radiant components of thermal fluxes for combustion chambers of diesel engines, turbine blades and a surface of aero-space apparatuses. Distinctive feature of the stand is a spectral photometric sphere for influence indemnification of scattering indicatrix (phase function). Estimations of scattering and absorption indexes of experimental and model samples of a semitransparent ceramic material on the base of stabilized zirconium dioxide for probing laser radiation at the fixed wavelengths 0,63 µm; 1,15 µm; 3,39 µm were carried out.


V Merzlikin


к.т.н. доц(495) 223-05-23, доб. 1327; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI

V Sutugin

Berg Central Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute

к.т.н. с.н.с; ФГУП «ЦНИРТИ им. академика А.И. Берга»; Berg Central Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute

L Stifeev

Berg Central Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute

к.т.н. с.н.с; ФГУП «ЦНИРТИ им. академика А.И. Берга»; Berg Central Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute

S Khudyakov

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


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