Features of controllable clutch operation in the energy-power unit of a hybrid vehicle




The article deals with the combined power systems of the parallel-series layout for trucks and buses. The authors considered the operation of controlled friction clutches within combined power systems and defined basic technical requirements for them.


S Bakhmutov

Moscow State Technical University MAMI

Email: svb@mami.ru <mailto:svb@mami.ru>
д.т.н(8) 495 223-05-28; МГТУ «МАМИ»; Moscow State Technical University MAMI

A Krutashov

Moscow State Technical University MAMI

к.т.н; МГТУ «МАМИ»; Moscow State Technical University MAMI

O Malikov

Moscow State Technical University MAMI

Moscow State Technical University MAMI

Y Blagushko

Moscow State Technical University MAMI

Moscow State Technical University MAMI


版权所有 © Bakhmutov S.V., Krutashov A.V., Malikov O.V., Blagushko Y.I., 2011

Creative Commons License
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