The Content and Methods of Intercultural Competence Formation in Language Training of Economic Student




The authors' attention focuses on the formation of intercultural competence in informational and practical areas as one of the most important conditions for the implementation of foreign language communication. There are analysis of intercultural interaction, determines socio-cultural discommunications specifying their causes. The expediency of developing science-based ways to create an integrated system of language training of economic faculty students are grounded.


N Bagramyants

University of Russian Academy of Education

к.филол.н. доц; УРАО; University of Russian Academy of Education

M Ivleva


д.филос.н., к.пс.н. доц8 (495) 223-05-23, доб. 1380; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI


  1. Modern Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. A common European Framework of Reference. Draft 2 of a Framework proposal by Council for Cultural Cooperation. - Strasbourg, 1998. - 161 p., p. 9.

版权所有 © Bagramyants N.L., Ivleva M.L., 2010

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