New Tools for Advanced Technological Processes of Materials Used in Engineering




The paper presents the latest developments of VNIIINSTRUMENT. These include a range of cutting tools with high-micron carbide and high-quality composite coatings based on (TiAlNb) N for high-speed machining of light alloys and heat-treated steels; face mill assembly with a lightweight aluminum bodies; range of turning tools, end and face mills, equipped with cutting blades made of superhard materials for the processing of a wide range of metallic and nonmetallic materials; drill for deep drilling, etc. Also, VNIIINSTRUMENT carries out works in the field of standardization of tools, development of technological process for wood- and metalworking, all types of tools and equipment, theirs maintenance.


G Borovsky

Open Joint-Stock company VNIIINSTRUMENT "

Open Joint-Stock company VNIIINSTRUMENT "

V Balkov

Open Joint-Stock company VNIIINSTRUMENT "

Open Joint-Stock company VNIIINSTRUMENT "


版权所有 © Borovsky G.V., Balkov V.P., 2007

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