Computational study on the influence of dimethyl ether additive in methane/air mixture as an alternative fuel on the combustion process of HCCI engine




The influence of dimethyl ether additive in methane−air mixture on the combustion process of HCCI engine is reported. Computational experiment has been conducted on two models of the working process of HCCI engine. One of them is a single-zone chemical-kinetic model and the other is a mathematical model based on formal chemical kinetics. The results of the numerical experiment are supported by data from full-scale experiment.


- Mahmoud Mohamed El-Ghobashy El-Hagar

Mechanical Power Engineering Department Industrial Education College Beni-Suef University, Egypt

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Университет Бени-Суэйф, г. Бени-Суэйф, Египет; Mechanical Power Engineering Department Industrial Education College Beni-Suef University, Egypt


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