System of decision making support based on the fuzzy algorithm for selection of a supplier in the supply chain




The authors developed the system for support of decision making for the rational selection of the supplier in the supply chain, using the analytic hierarchy process and the algorithm based on the operations of fuzzy sets theories. The functioning of the decision making support system has been verified experimentally on the real accounting and statistics data. The results of numerical experiments confirm the efficiency of the algorithm for making logistics management solutions.


O. Butusov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Dr.Sc., Prof.

M. Dubin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

V. Meshalkin

D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Dr.Sc., Prof.

O. Nikoforova

State University of Management



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版权所有 © Butusov O.B., Dubin M.E., Meshalkin V.P., Nikoforova O.P., 2012

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