Venture companies in modern mechanical engineering production




The aim of proposed approach is to reduce the cost and terms of products manufacturing by rational load of existing production systems while ensuring a given quality of manufactured products.


P. Kuznetsov

Chernomyrdin Moscow State Open University

Dr. Eng., Prof.


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  2. Максимов Ю.В., Анкин А.В. Theory and Practice of Technology for Machining Non-Rigid Smooth Shafts in Reconfigurable Production (Теория и практика обработки нежестких валов в реконфигурируемом производстве). Монография. Reconfigurable Manufacturing systems and transformable Factories. Под ред. А.И. Дащенко. Изд. «Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006», с. 544-568.

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