Estimate of the factor of safety of convex bottoms under uniform internal pressure




This paper covers the derivation of engineering formulas in the State Standard Specification 14249-89 for the calculation of elliptical bottoms under uniform internal pressure, their numerical modeling of the stress-strain state by the finite element method and the comparative evaluation of the safety factor adopted in the State Standard Specification 14249-89 with the results of the experiment.


V. Lyang

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)



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  2. Писаренко Г.С., Яковлев А.П., Матвеев В.В. Справочник по сопротивлению материалов. – Киев: «Наукова думка», 1975. – 704 с.
  3. Феодосьев В.И. Сопротивление материалов. – М.: «Наука», 1972. – 544 с.

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