Designing compensators of thermal stress for modern aviation turboshaft engine by powder metallurgy methods




The article shows that for a real implementation in aircraft turoshaft engine of structural ceramic materials it is necessary to use an intermediate element - compensator thermal stress (metal-Compensator-ceramics) in conjunction metal-ceramic. The paper provides reasons of one way to create compensators - by powder metallurgy. It contains a list of the work needed to create compensators.


E. Isaeva

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI) Branch NIID FSUE "GTERPC "SALUT"


S. Perevoin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI) Branch NIID FSUE "GTERPC "SALUT"


D. Isaev

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI) Branch NIID FSUE "GTERPC "SALUT"



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版权所有 © Isaeva E.A., Perevoin S.A., Isaev D.A., 2013

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