Expert system for analytical monitoring of high purity organic solvents




The authors developed an expert system for selection the analytical equipment and method of analysis of high purity substances (by the example of the assortment of organic solvents). Knowledge bases are developed on the basis of information CALS-technologies and structured by application spheres, analyzed substances, indicators of quality, methods of analysis and analytic devices. In its turn, the knowledge base on the analytical devices is structured in 4 main clusters of quality indicators: the content of the base substance, metal cations, anions and suspended particles.


A. Bessarabov

Science centre “Low-tonnage chemistry"

Dr. Eng., Prof.

L. Trynkina

Science centre “Low-tonnage chemistry"

V. Trokhin

Science centre “Low-tonnage chemistry"


A. Vendilo

Science centre “Low-tonnage chemistry"


E. Gordeeva

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)



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版权所有 © Bessarabov A.M., Trynkina L.V., Trokhin V.E., Vendilo A.G., Gordeeva E.L., 2012

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