Engine electric starter system with capacitive energy storage




The article proposes to use capacitive energy storage in the engine electric starter system. The results of computational research shows the effect of the value of the initial charging voltage of capacitive energy storage on the basis of characteristics of the electric starting system for an automobile engine equipped with standard start-up system.


R. Maleev

Moscow State Unviersity of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Ph.D.; +7-926-235-08-47

N. Mychka

Moscow State Unviersity of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)


A. Gulin

Moscow State Unviersity of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)



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  2. Tom Denton Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems.// Associate Lecturer, Open University. -2010, -с 110-127.

版权所有 © Maleev R.A., Mychka N.V., Gulin A.N., 2013

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