Flutter of elastic strip at longitudinal flow in a precise statement




This article is a logical continuation of the articles [1] and [2]. In the first article [1] there is shown the statement of the problem on flatter of strip at longitudinal flow in the linearized theory of supersonic potential flow. In the second article [2] there is shown an asymptotic similarity of accurate and piston theory at high supersonic speeds. Particularly in this paper the problem of flatter strip at longitudinal flow is solved based on the accurate theory for moderate and low supersonic speeds. It is solved at the flow modes, when the validity of using a piston theory is not proven.


D. Strogalschikov

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Email: d_strog@mail.ru
+7 495 939 55 39


  1. Кийко И.А., Показеев В.В. К постановке задачи о колебаниях и устойчивости полосы в сверхзвуковом потоке газа // Известия РАН. Механика жидкости и газа. 2009, №1, с. 159-166.
  2. Строгальщиков Д.С. О флаттере упругой полосы при продольном сверхзвуковом обтекании // Вестник Московского Университета. 2014. №4

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