Mathematical model of dynamics of highly nonlinear guided mechanical system




The authors developed a mathematical model of the dynamics of highly nonlinear guided mechanical system on the example of an industrial robot of the “SKILAM” type taking into account dry friction in the kinematic pairs of the robot arms and the dynamic characteristics of the motors. The solution is based on the principles of d'Alembert and D'Alembert-Lagrange. At the same time an apparatus of homogeneous coordinate transformation matrices was used.


L. Bozhkova

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Dr. Eng., Prof.; +7 (495) 223-05-23

G. Noritsina

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Ph.D.; +7 (495) 223-05-23

V. Ryabov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Ph.D., Prof.; +7 (495) 223-05-23

T. Akulshina

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

+7 (495) 223-05-23


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版权所有 © Bozhkova L.V., Noritsina G.I., Ryabov V.G., Akulshina T.V., 2013

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