Modeling of response of combustion chamber of high-altitude engine to abnormal power impacts during ground firing tests




This article proposes a calculation-experimental method of determining the RMS of voltage levels in a sub-camera area of 14D23 high-rise four-chamber engine in terms of ground-based firing tests under the action of abnormal pulsation effects (side forces).


S. Vladimirov

Central Research Institute of Machine Building “TsNIIMash”; Open Stock Company “Konstruktorskoe Buro Khimavtomatiky”

Ph.D.; +7 495 513-59-14

V. Titov

Central Research Institute of Machine Building “TsNIIMash”; Open Stock Company “Konstruktorskoe Buro Khimavtomatiky”


M. Kondratenko

Central Research Institute of Machine Building “TsNIIMash”; Open Stock Company “Konstruktorskoe Buro Khimavtomatiky”


D. Kornev

Central Research Institute of Machine Building “TsNIIMash”; Open Stock Company “Konstruktorskoe Buro Khimavtomatiky”


S. Trefilov

Central Research Institute of Machine Building “TsNIIMash”; Open Stock Company “Konstruktorskoe Buro Khimavtomatiky”


V. Gorokhov

Central Research Institute of Machine Building “TsNIIMash”; Open Stock Company “Konstruktorskoe Buro Khimavtomatiky”

Dr. Eng.

S. Zherebchikov

Central Research Institute of Machine Building “TsNIIMash”; Open Stock Company “Konstruktorskoe Buro Khimavtomatiky”



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版权所有 © Vladimirov S.A., Titov V.A., Kondratenko M.A., Kornev D.V., Trefilov S.I., Gorokhov V.D., Zherebchikov S.N., 2015

Creative Commons License
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