The automobile and tractor diesel engine, adapted to work on the liquefied hydrocarbon gas on the gas-diesel process




The investigations were carried out on the brake bench equipment of the D-243 diesel engine manufactured by the Minsk motor plant. The system of distributed supply of the liquefied hydrocarbon gas with an ignition charge of diesel fuel by automatically changing the gas injection angle and incorporating into the exhaust gas recirculation system into the intake manifold was subjected to the tests. Adaptation of the diesel engine allows the feed system to work as in diesel mode and as well in gas-diesel mode, with the electronic control of diesel fuel supply in the “diesel” mode is more accurate and contributes to lower fuel consumption and more complete combustion of the diesel fuel into the exhaust manifold. Standard equipment which is widely used for the transfer gasoline engines with ignition from a spark plug, used for distributed supply of the liquefied hydrocarbon gas. The electronic control unit of domestic production was adjusted according to the methodology for controlling the supply of gas through the cylinders developed in the laboratory. The investigations have shown that the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere has decreased on all loading modes of the engine on the gas-diesel process and corresponds to the standard “Euro 4”. Due to half of the cost of liquefied hydrocarbon gas compared to the diesel fuel, the cost of using the latter is reduced by 20…25%. The usage of liquefied hydrocarbon gas in the gas-diesel engines ensures a reduction in the cost of production of agricultural products by 10…12%. These indicators confirm the relevance of scientific researches on the development of a system for adapting the diesel automobile and tractor engine to work on alternative types of fuel.


A. Izmaylov

Federal Scientific Agro-Engineering Center VIM

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

G. Savel'ev

Federal Scientific Agro-Engineering Center VIM


M. Kochetkov

Federal Scientific Agro-Engineering Center VIM


E. Ovchinnikov

Federal Scientific Agro-Engineering Center VIM


S. Uyutov

Federal Scientific Agro-Engineering Center VIM


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版权所有 © Izmaylov A.Y., Savel'ev G.S., Kochetkov M.N., Ovchinnikov E.V., Uyutov S.Y., 2018

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