Improving the energy efficiency of vehicle electrical systems




The article discusses the main directions of improving the efficiency of electrical systems (EES) and power supply systems (PSS) of motor vehicles (MV) of traditional design, using internal combustion engines (ICE) for movement, the main trends in the development of MV. There are shown technical solutions aimed at reducing fuel consumption. The analysis of the current PSS, indicating its main shortcomings is given. It is shown that increasing the maximum output current of the generator set to 20 A leads to an increase in engine fuel consumption by 10-15%. Fuel consumption for the drive of the generator set on modern vehicles with gasoline engines reaches 20% of the total fuel consumption in the city. A method of simulation of EES in operation and analysis of the concept of power supply system management, aimed at reducing fuel consumption, is given. The main ways of increasing the efficiency of EES using the developed voltage regulator built into the control panel SCHU-5 are given. The advantage of the developed voltage regulator is a significant expansion of diagnostic functions. This is an indication of the increased voltage of the network, since the operation of the fuel injection system control unit already at a voltage of 17.5 V leads to its failure, and the cost of this unit is more than 9,000 rubles, which is significantly higher than the cost of the voltage regulator. Multi-function voltage regulator has the function of controlling the growth of the load. This function ensures the stable operation of the engine in the mode of forced idling and eliminates shock loads on the generator drive belt. The circuit voltage regulator has short-circuit protection in the circuit control lamp. In the multifunctional voltage regulator, thermal protection is introduced, which increases the reliability of the generator set operation in severe operating conditions at elevated ambient temperatures.


A. CHernov

Non-state private educational institution of higher education “Economics and Energy Institute”

DSc in Engineering

A. Akimov

Moscow Polytechnic University

PhD in Engineering


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