Investigation of the relationship between theoretical and actual turning radii of a tracked vehicle using mathematical modeling





Introduction. Determination of the traction force and power required in a turn by a tracked vehicle is based on analytical dependencies given in classical literary sources. In this case, the dependence of the theoretical and actual turning radius is usually not described accurately enough. Subject of study. A study of the dependence of the theoretical and actual turning radius and the influence of the parameters of the undercarriage of the tracked vehicle, the characteristics of the support base and the mode of movement on it was made. Methodology and methods. The study was carried out using a specially developed stationary rotation tracked vehicle (TV) model, which differs by taking into account the redistribution of normal reactions and implementation, allowing one to quickly carry out multifactorial experiments. The rotation of the TV in the model is described as a plane motion of a rigid body. In contrast to the classical approaches, the model allows one to study the rotation of the TV at a speed close to the critical drift. Results and scientific novelty. During computational experiments, the parameters of the chassis of the TV, the properties of the support base, as well as the speed of movement and the actual turning radius were varied. It was found that the classical dependences of the actual and theoretical turning radius need to be refined when driving at a speed close to the critical drift, while the form of the dependence is determined by the height of the center of mass of the TV. Practical significance. These features should be taken into account both when assessing the speed of the vehicle and determining the required thrust-to-weight ratio, and when working on the development of active safety systems for tracked vehicles.


A. Stadukhin

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia


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