Development of a complex of mathematical models of a vehicle suspension for fatigue life analysis





The reduction in the duration of the development of new vehicles and the associated desire to reduce the costs of automotive plants contribute to a more active application of mathematical modeling to solve engineering problems. The tasks, which are analyzing and predicting the fatigue life of vehicle components and assemblies, can be solved using a set of methods and tools of mathematical modeling.

This article discusses the development of a complex of mathematical models of the front and rear suspensions of a passenger automobile, which have the properties necessary for accurate reproduction of wheel loads and dynamic behavior of the suspension as a mechanical system. The complex of mathematical models is implemented in a multi-link modeling environment. The models are designed to carry out a subsequent validation study of the loading of individual suspension components during forced service life tests. In the future, this complex of mathematical models can be used for simulation of semi-natural forced resource tests of the suspension module, as well as a sample for the development of suspension models of other automobiles.

The purpose of this work is to form sufficient requirements for mathematical models for the implementation of fatigue durability studies using mathematical modeling methods and obtaining reliable calculation results. Research engineers will be able to follow these requirements to determine and collect initial data for the development of their own mathematical models.


V. Kulagin

Central research and development automobile and engine institute NAMI

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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2. Fig. 1. Front suspension module CAD model: 1 – subframe, 2 – lower transverse arm, 3 – lower trailing arm, 4 – upper arm, 5 – shock absorber, 6 – upright assembled with a wheel hub and brake mechanism, 7 – steering gear, 8 – steering rod, 9 – main gear, 10 – drive shaft, 11 – balance bar, 12 – balance bar

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3. Fig. 2. Graphical representation of the associative MBS model of the front suspension module in the MSC Adams/Car

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4. Fig. 3. CAD model of rear suspension module: 1 – subframe; 2 – lower arm; 3 – upper arm; 4 – toe rod; 5 – brake rod; 6 – fist assembly with hub and brake mechanism; 7 – anti-roll bar; 8 – balance bar; 9 – main gear; 10 – drive shaft

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5. Fig. 4. Graphical representation of the MBS model of the rear suspension module in the MSC Adams/Car environment

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6. Fig. 5. Scheme of a linearized frequency-dependent elastic-dissipative coupling (Pfeffer's model)

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7. Fig. 6. Multi-component test bench with front suspension module installed

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8. Fig. 7. An image of a simplified mathematical model of the test bench assembled with a model of the front suspension in the MSC Adams/Car

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9. Fig. 8. Multi-component test bench with installed rear suspension module

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10. Fig. 9. An image of a simplified mathematical model of the test bench assembled with a rear suspension model in the MSC Adams/Car

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