Determination of steam leaks through faulty labyrinth seals of a steam turbine





BACKGROUND: When calculating the axial force acting on the thrust bearing of a steam turbine, when calculating the dimensions of the unloading piston, when calculating the efficiency of the turbine stages, it is necessary to determine the amount of steam leakage through its diaphragm and end seals. Existing methods make it possible to calculate leaks only through serviceable, undamaged labyrinth seals of several standard designs. However, during the operation of steam turbines, due to off-design axial and radial displacements of the rotor, labyrinth seals are often damaged - deformed, crushed or broken.

AIMS: The purpose of the study is to develop a method for calculating leaks using direct CFD modeling in serviceable and damaged seals with typical failures, verify the simulation results by comparison with known methods and experimental data, and determine critical steam leaks through faulty labyrinth turbine seals.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A method for calculating the steam flow rate through serviceable and faulty labyrinth seals of a steam turbine using the capabilities of modern CFD methods is proposed and verified. The computational domain of modeling the front-end seal of the turbine, the features of setting the boundary conditions, the adaptive computational grid, and the numerical mathematical model used are described.

RESULTS: The results of a numerical study of steam leakage through serviceable and damaged labyrinth end seals of the turbine are presented: with bent ridges in the seals, with partial or complete absence of ridges. The operation of the front-end seal of the turbine was simulated with several typical failures. It is shown that partial damage to the ridges of the front-end seal of the turbine, which is often encountered during operation, leads to a significant increase in steam leakage. It has been established that with significant damage to the ridges, an increase in steam leakage can lead to the exhaustion of the capacity of the steam pressure regulator in the seal, which leads to a malfunction of the turbine thrust bearing unloading system.

CONCLUSIONS: The proposed technique and the results obtained can be used to calculate steam leakage through serviceable and faulty diaphragm and end labyrinth seals of turbines, when calculating the value of the axial force acting on the turbine thrust bearing in variable operating modes, the technique is useful in assessing the efficiency of the thrust bearing unloading system.


Andrey Жинов

Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6409-4777
SPIN 代码: 1078-4808

Cand. Sci. (Engin.), Associate Professor; Head of the «Heat engines and hydraulic machines» Department

俄罗斯联邦, 2 Bazhenova Street, Kaluga, 248000

Denis Shevelev

Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7104-3249
SPIN 代码: 2076-0373

Cand. Sci. (Engin.), Associate Professor of the «Heat engines and hydraulic machines» Department

俄罗斯联邦, 2 Bazhenova Street, Kaluga, 248000


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2. Fig. 1. Computational area in modeling the operation of the front end seal of a steam turbine.

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3. Fig. 2. Fragment of the computational grid of the model of the front end seal.

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4. Fig. 3. Steam velocity distribution through the front end seal sections when the seal ridges are in good condition.

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5. Fig. 4. Distribution of steam velocity through the front end seal outermost section with defective seal ridges.

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