Use of innovative foresight in ensuring the competitiveness of business structures

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Strategic management is the development of an innovative methodology for the development of society in the XXI century. One of the most effective formats of research is a foresight research. The use of foresight method for entrepreneurial organization allows to increase their level of competitiveness by forming "advanced" strategies, to adapt to new technologies and limited resources, prediction of demand and consequently risk. This article covers the basics of strategic management of innovative development of business structures in Russia using foresight. The article also presents theoretical aspects of innovative foresight.

About the authors

N. V Lyasnikov

Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship

Dr. Sc., prof.

M. N Dudin

Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship


V. D Sekerin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Dr. Sc., prof.

B. D Moguev

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)


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Copyright (c) 2013 Lyasnikov N.V., Dudin M.N., Sekerin V.D., Moguev B.D.

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