The dependence of the accuracy of cylindrical toothed gears manufacturing from the precision of their major components and assemblies

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The article describes the factors, which influence the accuracy of toothed gear. It is shown that significant influence on accuracy have the following factors: accuracy of manufacturing and assembling of all the transmission elements. The example of the calculation of the technological dimensional chains for cylindrical toothed gears is given.

About the authors

V. M Vinogradov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Ph.D.; +7 (495) 223-05-23, ext. 1224

A. A Cherepakhin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Ph.D.; +7 (495) 223-05-23, ext. 1224


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Copyright (c) 2014 Vinogradov V.M., Cherepakhin A.A.

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