Reduced rutting of wide-grip sprinklers

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During the process of irrigation, when moving sprinklers across the field, the wheels of the running supports create a track. As the number of passes increases, so does the depth of the track. At the end of the irrigation season, it can reach 0.3-0.45 m, lead to slipping wheels and excessive watering. The intensity of the process of rutting and reducing the coupling properties of the running systems of sprinkler machines is further increased in the presence of free, not absorbed water, causing the formation of runoff on the track. The greatest depth of the track by the end of the season in the last undercarriages occurs due to the increase in the intensity of irrigation and the diameter of the drops of sprinklers located at the end of the pipeline. The choice of running systems should be made taking into account the characteristics of irrigated surfaces, rational ratios of span lengths, diameters of pipelines and sprinkler arrangement schemes. The aim of the study is to consider the impact of the irrigation process on the bearing properties of the soil and the formation of a track. The article presents theoretical dependences for determining the depth and width of the track for two-wheeled and three-wheeled undercarriages of wide-grip sprinkler machines. Field studies were conducted on “Kuban-LK1M” (Cascade) and “CASCADE” sprinkler machines. The article presents the dependence of the track depth on the number of the undercarriages with a soil bearing capacity of 110-125 kPa. The research made it possible to determine the approximate zones of application of wheel systems, depending on the bearing capacity of the soil. Analysis of the data shows that it is advisable to equip sprinklers with narrow pneumatic wheels on soils of increased strength. On soils with low bearing capacity and significant irrigation rates from 600 m3 / ha - wide-profile pneumatic tires 18-24; 23-26, 21.3-24 for “Kuban-LK1”, “Kuban-LK1M” (KASKAD), KASKAD with a profile width of 0.30-0.54 m, including the installation of wider tires at the end part of the machines. In addition, in conditions of low soil strength, it is possible to use tires on sprinklers with smaller profile widths than the recommended ones, but for reduced span lengths or a reduced diameter of the water pipeline.

About the authors

L. A Zhuravleva

Moscow Polytechnic University

DSc in Engineering Moscow, Russia

N. V Tkhuan

Moscow Polytechnic University

Moscow, Russia


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