Research of features of oscillating process’ behavior in the nonlinear system of individual traction drive of an electrobus

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BACKGROUND: When a vehicle is in motion, self-oscillations which properties are dependent on slip rate in a contact patch may occur in the area of tire interaction with ground surface. Oscillations frequency will vary in dependence with value of wheel slip relative to ground surface. Soft self-oscillations are excited by variable set of initial conditions at full slip in traction and driven wheel rolling modes as well as in mixed braking mode with partial slip. Hard mode of self-oscillations occurs at full wheel slip in braking mode. These processes have a negative impact on the processes in electric drive and mechanical drivetrain reducing their efficiency and may cause damage of components. Oscillations in the system are excited by interaction forces of an elastic tire with ground surface featuring vertical oscillations due to elastic behavior of its interaction with road unevenness.

AIMS: Research of features of oscillating process’ behavior in the nonlinear system of individual traction drive of an electrobus.

METHODS: Simulation of self-oscillation excitation processes in the area of contact interaction of a wheel and road was carried out in the MATLAB/Simulink software package.

RESULTS: The article features the results of simulation and experimental studies of self-oscillation excitation processes of the KAMAZ 6282 electrobus moving on asphalt-concrete surface. It was found that vertical wheel displacement when moving through unevenness lead to oscillating behavior of vertical reaction forces in contact patches and, as a consequence, to oscillating behavior of longitudinal reaction forces, torque and rotation velocity of the shaft of the traction electric motor of the individual drive. It was defined that tire oscillation frequency is 6–7 Hz that coincides with electric motor shaft rotation oscillation frequency and this value is the same for both experiment and simulation.

CONCLUSIONS: Practical value of the study lies in ability of using the study results at development of self-oscillation processes exclusion algorithms as a part of vehicle control system.

About the authors

Alexandr V. Klimov

KAMAZ Innovation Center; Moscow Polytechnic University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5351-3622
SPIN-code: 7637-3104

Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Head of the Electric Vehicles Department

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

Akop V. Antonyan

KAMAZ Innovation Center; Moscow Polytechnic University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5566-6569
SPIN-code: 4797-9808

Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Lead Software and Simulation Engineer, Associate Professor of the Advanced Engineering School of Electric Transport

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Scheme of interaction of an elastic wheel with ground surface (a) and scheme of drive (b): 1 — mass M of sprung parts at a wheel; 2 — wheel mass m, 3 — rollers for frictionless longitudinal movement of a wheel; 4 — an elastic element (longitudinal tire compliance); 5 — ground surface; 6 — a rolling wheel; 7 — a traction electric motor.

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3. Fig. 2. The simulation model of the individual traction electric drive.

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4. Fig. 3. Samples of torque of the traction electric motor (а), angular velocity of a driving wheel (b) and tire radial deformation (c).

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5. Fig. 4. Energy spectral densities of the traction electric motor (а), angular velocity of the driving wheel (b) and tire radial deformation (c).

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6. Fig. 5. A typical sample of torque of the traction electric motor obtained during the electrobus testing.

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7. Fig. 6. A typical sample of torque of the traction electric motor resulting from the electrobus motion simulation.

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8. Fig. 7. Energy spectral density of experimentally obtained torque of the traction electric motor.

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9. Fig. 8. A typical sample of angular velocity of the driving wheel obtained during the electrobus testing.

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10. Fig. 9. A typical sample of angular velocity of the driving wheel resulting from the electrobus motion simulation.

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11. Fig. 10. Energy spectral density of experimentally obtained angular velocity of the driving wheel.

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