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News of Medicine

News of medicine. Vol. 30, №1/2, 2023

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):8-11
pages 8-11 views


Introduction of complementary feeding in premature children

Ryumina I., Narogan M., Baybarina E.


The nutrition of a newborn child is one of the fundamental factors affecting his subsequent health, psychomotor development, and intellectual potential. At present, there is enough evidence-based research that indicates that mother’s milk, the composition of which cannot be completely replicated, is a unique product for feeding a newborn baby. As the child grows, breastfeeding must be supplemented with complementary foods that differ from breast milk and adapted milk formulas not only in composition, but also in consistency. The timing of the introduction and the sequence of complementary foods for a premature child have not been finally determined, and the heterogeneity of this group requires an individual approach to solving the problem of complementary feeding. This review focuses on studies that can be used to determine the principles of individual introduction of complementary feeding to a premature child, evaluate the effectiveness and avoid certain difficulties and complications.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):12-17
pages 12-17 views

Adverse reactions in children to antimicrobials: limitations of the spontaneous reporting method and the possibilities of the global trigger method for drug-induced conditions

Vlasova A., Смирнова E., Gorev V., Sychev D.


Backgroun. The safety of pharmacotherapy in critically ill children with nosocomial infection is an urgent problem in pediatrics [1]. The main cause of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in children is antimicrobial drugs (AMDs) [2, 3]. The inefficiency of the traditional method of retrospective registration of spontaneous reports (SR) of ADRs was shown. The theoretical foundations for the introduction of the method for assessing global triggers (GT) of drug-induced conditions as a transition to the tactics of active detection of ADRs are given [4–10].

Objective. Comparative analysis of the prevalence and structure of ADRs to AMDs in children when registering drug-induced conditions using the SR and GT methods.

Methods. A comparative analysis of the prevalence and structure of manifestations of ADRs to AMDs in children was performed when registered by the SR method retrospectively for those hospitalized in the pediatrics profile, incl. in critical conditions during hospitalization in the ICU on the profile «anesthesiology-resuscitation (children)» for 3 years and with active tactics for detecting drug-induced conditions on AMDs in the ICU by the GT method for 2 years.

Results. The retrospective prevalence of ADRs to AMDs was 0.32 (95% CI: 0.22–0.33) per 100 hospitalized pediatric patients, the structure of ADR manifestations in 40 cases: allergic reactions – in 25 (62%) cases (cephalosporins and vancomycin), no expected therapeutic effect – in 7 (18%) cases (ceftriaxone, ampicillin sulbactam, azithromycin, levofloxacin, imipenem cilastatin, tobramycin inhalation, linezolid), vomiting and diarrhea – in 3 (7%) (amoxicillin clavulanate), bronchospasm – in 2 (5%) (colistimethate inhalation use), agitation – in 1 (3%) (ceftriaxone), nephrotoxicity – in 1 (3%) (amikacin), and phlebitis – in 1 (3%) case (vancomycin). For the SR method, the accuracy rate was 60% (95% CI: 54.69–65.03), sensitivity was 90.9% (95% CI: 78.33–97.47), and specificity was 55.7% (95 % CI: 50.01–61.20). In children in the ICU using the SR method, no ADR on AMD was registered. In a prospective observational study using the GT assessment method, the prevalence of manifestations of ADRs on AMDs in critically ill children was 1.28 (95% CI: 1.22–1.36) per 100 hospitalized in the ICU. The structure of ADRs and suspected drugs for 30 children were represented by hepatotoxicity – 19 (63%; cefoperazone sulbactam, vancomycin, tigecycline, meropenem, fluconazole, aztreonam, ceftazidime-avibactam), nephrotoxicity – 3 (10%; vancomycin), cardiovascular manifestations – 2 (7%; ciprofloxacin, moxifloxacin), neurotoxicity – 2 (7%; colistimethate, posaconazole), gastroenterological manifestations – 2 (7%) and laboratory abnormalities (vancomycin) – 2 (7%) children. For the method of active detection of ADRs to AMDs in the assessment of GT drug-induced conditions, the accuracy rate was 97% (95% CI: 95.86–97.37), the sensitivity of the method was 81.1% (95% CI: 64.84–92.04); specificity – 97.0% (95% CI: 96.14–97.60).

Results. Serious limitations of the SR method for registering ADRs for AMDs in a pediatric hospital in real clinical practice for 3 years are shown. The prevalence of ADRs by SR was 0.32 per 100 hospitalized. Its inefficiency for children in critical conditions was shown on the example of the ICU of a multidisciplinary children’s hospital. The prevalence of ADRs on AMDs in critically ill children with the use of active tactics for detecting drug-induced conditions by GT for 2 years was significantly higher and amounted to 1.28 per 100 hospitalized in the ICU. The accuracy rate of the method of active detection of ADRs on AMDs was 97%, the method of GT of drug-induced conditions – 60%.In the present study of critically ill children with infection, the risk of developing a fatal outcome was 6 times higher in the group of patients with manifestations of ADRs on AMDs compared with patients who did not have ADRs with active detection by GT (OR=6.0; 95% CI: 2.06–17.48).

Conclusion. The accuracy rate of the method of active detection of ADRs to AMDs when assessing drug-induced conditions using the GT method was 97% and was higher compared to the accuracy rate of the retrospective detection of ADRs to AMDs using the SR method, which was 60%. For the first time in the present study, the risk of developing a lethal outcome was 6 times higher in the group of patients with manifestations of ADRs to AMDs compared with patients who did not have ADRs with active tactics of detection by GT (OR=6.0; 95% CI: 2.06–17,48) in critically ill children with infection.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):18-31
pages 18-31 views

Mucoactive drugs in the treatment of respiratory diseases in children

Shakhnazarova M., Geppe N., Ozerskaya I., Grebeneva I., Kolosova N., Shatalina S., Frolkova E., Batyreva O., Fidanyan S.


The formation of mucus in the airways is the first line of defense against microbial agents, allergens, and foreign particles. However, excessive sputum production and difficulty in clearing the airways can lead to many respiratory diseases. Mucoactive substances are drugs that either change the properties of sputum or reduce its production. The article provides a brief overview of common mucoactive agents, as well as current data on the main therapeutic effects of ambroxol.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):32-37
pages 32-37 views

The nature of congenital anomalies of the urinary system in children with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia

Dlin V., Kuznetsova T., Dlin S.


Objective. Determination of the nature of congenital anomalies of the urinary system and the severity of involvement of the connective tissue of children with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia.

Methods. The study included 43 children with congenital anomalies of the urinary system (CAUS), including 18 boys and 25 girls. Children were assessed for the presence of external and visceral minor developmental anomalies (MDAs). Depending on the number of MDAs, which are a sign of connective tissue dysplasia (CTD), the children were divided into 2 groups. The 1st group (main) included 26 patients with CAUS against the background of CTD (14.13±2.07 points), incluing 11 boys and 15 girls, the mean age of children was 12.0±3.85 years. The 2nd group (comparison) included 17 patients with CAUS without CTD (6.09±2.72 points), incluing 7 boys and 10 girls, the mean age of children was 10.65±2.98 years.

Results. In children with CAUS and CTD, the MDA frequency was significantly higher than in children without undifferentiated CTD. Combined congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract were equally often detected in children of both groups. However, the mean frequency of urinary system anomalies per child was higher in children with CAUS and CTD. When assessing the signs of connective tissue involvement in patients with undifferentiated CTD, scoliosis (P<0.001), joint hypermobility (P=0.037) and flat feet (P=0.021) were significantly more common than in children without CTD.

Conclusion. Thus, in children with CAUS, osteoarticular pathology was most often observed (in all children with CTD and in 82.4% of children without CTD). Ectodermal, muscular and visceral pathologies were less common, but prevailed in the group of children with CTD. Patients with osteoarticular pathology require special follow-up by specialists – an orthopedist and a rehabilitation specialist, as well as a chiropractor.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):38-43
pages 38-43 views


Chronic functional constipation in young and middle age patients: delicate problem – delicate decision

Trukhan D., Rozhkova M., Goloshubina V.


Constipation is a serious medical and social problem due to the widespread prevalence of this condition, a decrease in the quality of life and social activity of patients. For successful treatment of constipation, it is necessary to establish the causes leading to a violation of the stool in the patient. And this task is a priority for the doctor at the outpatient stage. A common gastroenterological pathology is functional constipation, for which no physiological, anatomical or iatrogenic origin can be identified. Constipation is a delicate problem, with the importance of «delicacy» being inversely proportional to the patient’s age. We conducted an express survey of 30 women aged 23 to 42 years, in which we asked them to rate on a five-point scale (1 – minimum, 5 – maximum) the convenience of using various forms of laxatives and their «delicacy» (lack of direct instructions for others if they have a constipation problem). Mineral water (4.8) and disposable filter bags (herbal tea – 4.0 points) received the highest average score. Next came tablets (3.3 points) and capsules (3.2 points). The least convenient respondents attributed drops (2.1 points) and powders for preparing a solution (1.9 points). The possibilities of natural mineral waters rich in magnesium sulfate in the treatment of constipation are considered. To date, three natural mineral waters rich in magnesium sulfate have been studied in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials. Comparison of the effectiveness of the three studied mineral waters showed that Donat mineral water is more effective. The results of a randomized clinical trial of Donat Mg mineral water in the treatment of functional constipation, as well as the experience of its use in domestic studies demonstrating the effectiveness and safety of Donat Mg therapeutic mineral water in pediatric practice and in adult patients with functional constipation and other gastroenterological pathology.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):44-53
pages 44-53 views

Metabolically associated fatty liver disease: the role of ademetionine

Polyakova O., Kozgunova L., Ostroumova O.


In early 2020, an international expert group proposed changing the nomenclature of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) to metabolically associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) to better reflect the basic pathophysiology of NAFLD as a metabolic disease and to move toward «positive» diagnostic criteria rather than exclusion criteria. Two years later, the definition of MAFLD is increasingly being used in the medical literature, and recent studies have shown that the global prevalence of MAFLD is higher than NAFLD and that patients with MAFLD have more metabolic comorbidities compared with patients with NAFLD, and new evidence also suggests that all-cause and cardiovascular mortality may be higher in MAFLD compared with NAFLD. In this context, this review discusses the criteria for the diagnosis of MAFLD, the specific pathophysiology of the disease, and the prospects for therapeutic strategies, including the use of ademetionine.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):54-62
pages 54-62 views

Relationship between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease: focus on the use of ursodeoxycholic acid

Polyakova O., Tkachenko Y., Ostroumova O.


Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in the world, affecting about 25% of the general population and up to 70–90% of obese or diabetic patients. Due to the increasing frequency of cardiometabolic polymorbidity phenotype and the fact that, on the one hand, NAFLD patients often have concomitant cardiovascular pathology and, on the other hand, that patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) are often diagnosed with concomitant NAFLD, the relationship of NAFLD with CVD is currently subject to active study. Common metabolic risk factors and pathogenetic mechanisms such as systemic inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, lipid and glucose metabolism disorders, and insulin resistance are considered as the main determinants of the relationship between NAFLD and CVD. The involvement of the latter in the development of these diseases suggests that NAFLD and CVD are comorbid conditions, aggravating the course of each other, and, accordingly, the adjustment of lifestyle, risk factors and treatment of NAFLD can reduce the risks of CVD. In this regard, the purpose of this review is to analyze the relationship between NAFLD and CVD, as well as to discuss therapeutic strategies, in particular, the prospects of ursodeoxycholic acid in patients with NAFLD and CVD.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):63-71
pages 63-71 views

Selective myotropic antispasmodic mebeverine in functional gastrointestinal disorders

Bulgakov S.


Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) are considered a very common pathology that has a significant impact on the quality of life of patients, with involvement of a number of pathogenetic factors in its development. The main and most common diseases in this group include functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The purpose of the work is evaluation of the efficacy and safety of one of the well-known antispasmodics, mebeverine, in the treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders. The review article discusses the pathophysiological mechanisms of the development of FD and IBS, primarily dysmotility of different parts of the gastrointestinal tract, visceral hypersensitivity, disorders of the intestinal microbiome, etc. The data of numerous clinical trials on mebeverine hydrochloride, a myotropic antispasmodic with a direct effect on intestinal muscle activity, are presented. Mebeverine in clinical studies demonstrated a pronounced antispastic activity, safety and good tolerability. Its ability to positively influence the quality of life of patients is especially emphasized. The article also focuses on the drug niaspam with the active substance mebeverine, clinical data on its use in functional pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. It is concluded that mebeverine remains a necessary tool in the treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):72-78
pages 72-78 views

Tactics of management of refractory form of gastroesophageal reflux disease that developed in a patient after cholecystectomy: a clinical case

Osadchuk A., Fadeeva N., Loranskaya I., Makarova Y.


The prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in the human population exceeds 20%. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the main group of drugs for the treatment of this disease. Nevertheless, according data provided, PPI-refractory form of GERD occurs in 28–54.1% of persons suffering from this disease. The results of studies indicate that PPIs are good at stopping typical reflux syndrome, but are often not effective in atypical and extraesophageal manifestations of the disease. The pathogenesis of PPI-refractory GERD is associated predominantly with non-acid refluxes and visceral hypersensitivity. Thus, the administration of alginic acid preparations can be an effective treatment for PPI-refractory GERD. This is due to the fact that alginates are able to bind pepsin and bile acids, limiting their diffusion and reducing the enzymatic activity of pepsin. We demonstrate a clinical case of a patient suffering from PPI-refractory form of GERD, the complete relief of symptoms of which became possible only after the addition of alginate to therapy with rabeprazole in a standard dose.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):79-83
pages 79-83 views


Atrial fibrillation and anemia: what do we know and how to approach therapy?

Polyakova O., Dubinina A., Telkova S., Isaakyan Y., Ostroumova O.


Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice. Over the past 20 years, the global burden of AF and its related complications has significantly increased both worldwide and in Russia. These trends are alarming and suggest that there is a need to reassess current approaches to the prevention and treatment of AF, as well as to explore new therapies. One promising direction in this topic is the study of the relationship between AF and anemia, since, on the one hand, anemia is common in patients with AF and, on the other hand, that anemia is associated with the risk of developing new cases of AF. Hemodynamic, metabolic, and inflammatory pathways, as well as pathways associated with micronutrient and vitamin deficiencies that affect erythropoiesis, are identified as the main mechanisms of the relationship between anemia and AF. In addition, given the increasing incidence of AF and the high prevalence of anemia in this patient population, it is critical for clinical practice to obtain answers not only to the questions of how AF and anemia are related, but also how anemia affects the course of the disease, including the risks of bleeding in AF patients taking anticoagulants, and which anticoagulant is preferable in safety profile in patients with AF and anemia. In this context, this review discusses the specifics of the relationship between AF and anemia in a comprehensive way and also considers a personalized approach to therapy in these patients.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):84-93
pages 84-93 views

Modern methods of treatment of elderly patients with chronic heart failure: a literature review

Kurochkina O., Baranov A., Sazhina A., Bogomolov A.


Chronic heart failure (CHF) is the final stage in the development of cardiovascular diseases. Its development is directly associated with the age of patients. Patients with CHF are recommended to prescribe drugs that stabilize the clinical condition and improve the long-term prognosis. However, elderly patients are underrepresented in randomized controlled trials of CHF, which limits the possibility of generalizing the results of studies in real clinical practice for elderly patients with CHF. Older age and the presence of frailty are factors that limit the prescription of recommended drugs and lead to lower adherence to optimal drug therapy in elderly patients. The review analyzes the results of original studies on the problems of the current state of optimal drug therapy for patients with CHF, including in older patient populations, as well as some interventions that may help improve adherence to evidence-based recommendations in older age groups.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):94-99
pages 94-99 views

Modern principles of antiarrhythmic therapy of atrial fibrillation

Tarzimanova A.


Currently, atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common arrhythmias in clinical practice. The prevalence of this heart rhythm disorder in the population exceeds 2%. Despite the fact that AF is not a life-threatening arrhythmia, it leads to an increased risk of thromboembo- lic complications (TEC). According to the latest recommendations for the treatment of AF, the tactics of managing patients should include three directions, which today are commonly called the ABC rule: A) prescribing anticoagulant therapy to patients with an increased risk of TEC; B) treatment of symptoms of arrhythmia, including a strategy to maintain or maintain sinus rhythm); C) treatment of the underlying disease. The most difficult task in the treatment of patients with paroxysmal or persistent forms of AF is considered to be long-term maintenance of the heart rate. This direction in the treatment of AF includes electrical or pharmacological cardioversion followed by long-term antiarrhythmic therapy or radiofrequency catheter ablation. Among the modern antiarrhythmic drugs (AAPs) used for medical cardioversion in AF, the most popular in Russia are amiodarone and propafenone. The choice of AAD is based on an assessment of the severity of the underlying heart disease and the likelihood of side effects with the introduction of a loading dose of the drug. Thus, antiarrhythmic therapy remains one of the important directions in the treatment of patients with AF. Early prescription of AAD and anticoagulant therapy at an increased risk of TEC, catheter ablation can not only improve the quality of life, but also the prognosis of patients with AF.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):100-104
pages 100-104 views

The role of collagen gene polymorphisms in the development of cardiovascular diseases

Izmozherova N., Popov A., Shambatov M., Tarasova E., Bakhtin V., Kadnikov L.


Background. Collagen fibers are the main component of most types of connective tissue; collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. The most common types of collagen that provide elasticity and stiffness of the tissue under regular mechanical stress are collagen types I and III. Congenital or acquired changes in collagen are the substrate basis for changes in the vascular wall.

Objective. Characteristics of the current understanding of the role of collagen gene polymorphisms in the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Methods. Articles were selected in PubMed, Google Scholar search engines from February to May 2022. The following keywords were used for the search: polymorphism, collagen, vascular diseases, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP).

Results. Single nucleotide polymorphisms rs2621215 in the promoter regions of the 7q22.1 genes can affect the collagen expression level, increasing the risk of developing vascular aneurysms. Polymorphism of the α-1-chain type I collagen gene COL1A1 (17q21.31 – q22) leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases associated with an increase in arterial stiffness. Increased vascular stiffness is associated with endothelial dysfunction, increased activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). This leads to increased synthesis of angiotensin II and activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). The endothelial dysfunction may result not only in a decrease in NO production, but also in its accelerated degradation and vascular remodeling. Drugs that increase NO formation, such as nebivolol, can reduce the stiffness of large arteries, reduce central blood pressure, and also have a beneficial effect on the elastic properties of the arteries, which in turn can lead to a decrease in cardiovascular risk.

The tissue effects of ACE inhibitors restore endothelial function, inhibit the proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells, neutrophils and mononuclear cells, and reduce free radical oxidation. The effect on endothelial dysfunction is probably related to the restoration of bradykinin metabolism. The COL1A2 gene encodes pro-alpha-2 collagen type I chains, whose triple helix also consists of two alpha-1 chains and one alpha-2 chain. Mutations in this gene are associated with cardiovascular type Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Mutations in the COL3A1 gene cause the vascular type Ehlers–Danlos syndrome. With this type, patients often die suddenly due to rupture of large arteries, vascular aneurysms as a consequence of a decrease in the normal type III collagen level in the vessel wall. Polymorphism of the COL3A1 gene can affect the strength and extensibility of collagen fibers and thereby change the quality of connective tissue.

Conclusion. Violation of collagen synthesis and the structure and mechanical properties of the vascular wall can be the main cause of vascular accidents and occur regardless of the presence of traditional risk factors.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):105-110
pages 105-110 views

Influence of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on the structural and functional parameters of the heart and subjective parameters of the quality of life of patients with essential hypertension

Nedvetskaya S., Tregubov V., Shubitidze I., Tregubova M.


Background. A comparative assessment of the effect of therapy with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (lisinopril, fosinopril or zofenopril) on the structural and functional parameters of the heart and subjective parameters of quality of life (QoL) in patients with essential hypertension (AH) was carried out.

Methods. The study included 120 patients randomly divided into three groups. Patients with arterial hypertension and functional class I and II chronic heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction underwent echocardiography, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, treadmill test, 6-minute walk test, determination of the blood plasma N-terminal precursor brain natriuretic peptide level, calculation of glomerular filtration rate, and subjective assessment of QoL using the Minnesota questionnaireat the beginning of therapy and after 24 weeks.

Results. Lisinopril, fosinopril and zofenopril showed comparable sufficient organoprotective, antihypertensive and neuromodulatory activity in hypertensive patients. Significant differences in influence ofthese drugs on exercise tolerance and subjective parameters of patients’ QoL were revealed.

Conclusion. Fosinopril, compared with lisinopril, increased exercise tolerance to a greater extent, improved the subjective parameters of QoL. Fosinopril increased exercise tolerance to a greater extent than zofenopril. Compared to lisinopril, zofenopril improved the subjective parameters of QoL to a greater extent.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):111-116
pages 111-116 views

Possibilities of screening for asymptomatic atrial fibrillation in clinical practice

Stepanenko I., Sopova D., Salukhov V., Zaslavskaya E., Tarasov V., Novikov I.


Currently, atrial fibrillation (AF) occupies one of the leading positions among cardiac arrhythmias. Given the steady trend towards an increase in the prevalence of risk factors and the development of early complications in the progression of AF, early detection of asymptomatic and short-term paroxysms of this arrhythmia is of particular relevance. Timely diagnosis of AF will certainly prevent the progression of electrophysiological and anatomical and morphological atrial remodeling, which will ensure the cessation of arrhythmia, turning into a nosological form, and carry out appropriate preventive measures. In the modern arsenal of a practicing physician, there is a fairly large list of methods for screening AF. Undoubtedly, the development of new technologies that allow for the rapid and early diagnosis of AF will expand, making a significant contribution to reducing the burden of AF in the population. Pocket, portable ECG recorders, patch monitors, smartphones, smartwatches, photoplethysmography signal analysis using a smartphone camera, and many other innovative developments in the field of screening for undiagnosed AF provide rapid detection of AF, allowing timely initiation of optimal medical therapy to avoid cardiovascular complications. The purpose of this review is to expand the understanding of the possibilities and choice of adequate methods for screening AF in real clinical practice.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):117-127
pages 117-127 views

Infarction-like course of myocarditis: a clinical case

Bykova E.


The use of coronary angiography as a method for diagnosing coronary lesions in myocardial infarction (MI) in order to determine further management tactics has become widespread in recent years. In case of no significant atherosclerotic changes in the coronary arteries (CA) according to the coronary angiography in a patient with probable clinical and laboratory-instrumental signs of MI, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of clinical and instrumental data in search of the true cause of the existing changes. For such clinical cases, the term myocardial infarction (MI) with non-obstructive coronary arterie (MINOCA) and an algorithm for further diagnostic search are proposed. Myocarditis often occurs under the guise of minoca, but the difficulties of differential diagnosis in practice are associated to the fact that the clinical course of myocarditis is very variable and nonspecific, and with an anginal-like pain syndrome, infarction-like changes in the electrocardiogram and an increase in the cardiospecific enzyme levels, the diagnosis of MI is established. The timely initiation of treatment, the determination of the volume of specialized care for both MI and myocarditis depends on the correct interpretation of complaints, the interpretation of symptoms and data from laboratory and instrumental tests. In addition, a correctly established diagnosis will avoid the prescription of drugs with action often associated with the development of serious complications. The article presents a clinical case of a patient with acute myocarditis, most likely of viral origin (unspecified), occurring under the guise of MINOCA.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):128-134
pages 128-134 views


Acute respiratory viral infections: possibilities of vitamin and mineral complexes in treatment, prevention and rehabilitation

Trukhan D., Viktorova I., Ivanova D., Goloshubina V.


The present review considers the possibilities of using nutraceuticals for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with seasonal acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and influenza, as well as with a new coronavirus infection (NCVI). The first part of the review provides data on the potential of microelements (selenium and zinc) and vitamin C as adjuvant therapy in the complex treatment of patients with ARVI, including those with NCVI COVID-19. The second part of the review discusses the possibility of using selenium, zinc, vitamins A, E, C as a means for non-specific prevention of ARVI, as well as the possibility of their use at the stage of rehabilitation. Frequently ill adults are not uncommon in the practice of an internist and general practitioner. The data presented in the review make it possible to recommend determining the levels of selenium, zinc, vitamins A, C, E in this category of patients, and if their reduced level is detected, it is advisable to consider prescribing vitamin-mineral complexes in order to eliminate the deficiency of the main micronutrients.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):136-145
pages 136-145 views

“Silent rival”: pharmacological correction of the pathology of small airways in asthma (focus on ciclesonide)

Belotserkovskaya Y., Sinopalnikov A., Romanovskikh A., Smirnov I.


In real clinical practice, a controlled course of bronchial asthma is observed in hardly half of patients. Poorly controlled asthma reduces the quality of life and affects various aspects of human life, as well as increases the risk of disease exacerbations and hospitalizations. Reasons for poor asthma control may be related to the patient, medical care and asthma therapy. Small airway pathology may correlate with specific clinical features and poor disease control. Evidence from new studies suggests that exercise-induced symptoms, overweight/obesity, nocturnal symptoms, older age, smoking, T2 inflammation, and severe bronchial hyperresponsiveness are strong independent predictors of involvement of small airways in patients with asthma. The article describes the modern, most informative methods for assessing small airways dysfunction. These include spirometry, forced pulse oscillometry, single-breath or multiple-breath nitrogen washout test, body plethysmography, high-resolution computed tomography, exhaled nitric oxide assessment, and others. In general, as various studies show, the prevalence of small airways involvement in patients with BA is about 50–60%. The significant contribution of small airways to the pathophysiological mechanisms of bronchial obstruction and the clinical manifestations of asthma make the distal bronchial tree a reasonable target for pharmacological intervention. A new generation of inhalers that generate an extrafine particle drug aerosol (with a mass median aerodynamic particle size of less than 2 µm) at a slower nebulization rate and longer duration provides higher lung deposition rates and more efficient penetration of the aerosol into the small airways. The article presents data on the efficacy, some clinical benefits, safety of extrafine forms of inhaled glucocorticosteroids (such as ciclesonide) in the treatment of patients with asthma, including with the development of mild exacerbations.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):146-155
pages 146-155 views

TSLP gene polymorphic rs1837253 variants in occupational asthma

Babanov S., Baykova A., Lavrentieva N., Strizhakov L., Lotkov V.


Background. Occupational asthma (OA) is an urgent medical and social problem due to the prevalence, severity of the course, the complexity of diagnosis and choice of therapy, and high treatment costs. In the pathogenesis of occupational asthma as a multifactorial disease, several complex interrelated polymorphic genetic and biochemical systems are involved, and individual characteristics of the organism are also should be taken into account, so study and search for informative markers of various forms of OA are relevant. Molecular genotyping opens up new opportunities in the search for a more targeted and personalized approach to the treatment of OA, as well as in the development of an individual strategy for its prevention.

Objective. The study was aimed to the determination of the genetic markers of the risk of developing OA under the exposure to sensitizing substances by assessing TSLP (thymic stromal lymphopoietin) gene polymorphic rs1837253 variants.

Methods. The study was conducted with the participation of 170 patients with different OA phenotypes and 50 people in the control group: the group 1 (42 patients) – «occupational asthma, allergic form» phenotype; group 2 (36 patients) – «occupational asthma, non-allergic form» phenotype; group 3 (58 people) – «occupational asthma – occupational chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)» phenotype; group 4 (34 patients) – «occupational bronchial asthma – metabolic syndrome» phenotype, group 5 – control group (healthy) – 50 people. As part of the study of genetic predisposition to OA, TSLP genetic rs1837253 polymorphisms were determined. DNA samples were isolated from peripheral venous blood lymphocytes by phenol-chloroform extraction. Genotyping was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction using primers and probes developed using the PrimerQuest program (Intergrated DNA Technologies, Inc.).

Results. For the first time, genetic markers of OA risk under exposure to sensitizing substances, TSLP gene polymorphic rs1837253 variants were identified, which makes it possible to recommend determining these genetic markers during regular medical examinations in persons working under exposure to sensitizing and irritating substances in the presence of clinical, functional, immunological changes.

Conclusion. The marker OA genotype profiles identified can optimize the approach to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this pathology, as well as expand the range of criteria for predicting the course of the disease.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):156-160
pages 156-160 views

Comparative characteristics of the effectiveness of local anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of acute pharyngitis

Ovchinnikov A., Akopyan L., Vishnyakov V., Egiyan S.


One of the most common reasons for visiting a therapist, pediatrician or otorhinolaryngologist is infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pharynx. Most often, acute respiratory viral and bacterial infections are manifested by acute pharyngitis (AP). AP is an inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall that causes sore throat, itching, and difficulty swallowing. AP occurs in all age groups. The urban population suffers from AP more often. Due to the fact that people of working age often get sick, the socio-economic significance of the problem becomes obvious. The main goal of AP treatment is to achieve relief of unpleasant subjective sensations in the pharynx and reduce inflammatory-infiltrative changes in the pharynx. In the treatment of patients with pharyngitis, local antiseptic preparations are very widely used. The objectives of our study included evaluation of the effectiveness of the local drug Strepsils® Intensive in the treatment of patients with inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and comparison of the use of Strepsils® Intensive with the traditional method of local AP treatment. Our study showed that the use of the Strepsils® Intensive contributed to an earlier regression of inflammatory-infiltrative changes in the pharyngeal mucosa, as well as a more rapid decrease in the pain according to the visual analogue scale.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):161-166
pages 161-166 views

Respiratory infections during the COVID-19 pandemic – what has changed?

Nikolaeva S., Shushakova E.


During the global pandemic of the coronavirus infection COVID-19, the epidemiology of these viruses, as shown in the literature, has changed dramatically. In many countries, during normal peak seasons, there has been a significant decrease in the incidence of both influenza and other viral respiratory infections, primarily respiratory syncytial infection. The current situation calls for a revision of the traditional understanding that children are the main driver of seasonal upsurges in respiratory infections. The article summarizes lite-rature data demonstrating the role of the COVID-19 pandemic in changing the seasonality of respiratory viral infections – a decrease in the incidence during the period of anti-epidemic measures, followed by a sharp increase in the number of cases; shift of the peak of incidence to “atypical” months for the given hemisphere. Traditionally, the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) are characterized by the development of fever-intoxication and catarrhal syndromes. The basis of the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections is non-specific etiotropic and symptomatic therapy recommended for specific symptoms. Since children in the vast majority of cases with ARVI develop such a worrying symptom for parents as fever, symptomatic treatment with the inclusion of paracetamol-based antipyretics is relevant.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):167-170
pages 167-170 views

Effectiveness of oseltamivir in the prevention and treatment of influenza in children

Belan E., Nikiforova E.


Oseltamivir is an inhibitor of influenza virus neuraminidase and suppresses the reproduction of pathogen subtypes A and B. The drug contributes to reduction of the duration of influenza symptoms (febrile, headache, cough), and also reduces the incidence of complications (otitis media, etc.) in children aged 0–18 years. The effectiveness of oseltamivir has not been confirmed in influenza against the background of bronchial asthma and/or the drug is prescribed later than 48 hours from the onset of the disease. The drug is an independent means of chemoprophylaxis of influenza in persons who have been in contact with infected people.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):171-176
pages 171-176 views

Another cause of acute otitis media in adults

Angotoeva I., Kosykov S.


Background. Acute otitis media (AOM) is much more common in children than in adults. Predisposing factors for the development of AOM are dysfunction of the auditory tube, formations that cause compression of the Eustachian tube or obstruction of its ostium; abnormal immune response. It was also revealed that laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) causes a violation of mucociliary transport.

Description of the clinical case. Patient S., 32 years old. She went to the clinic with complaints of pain in the right ear, congestion of the right ear for 1 week, fever up to 37ºС, without a runny nose, but the patient was worried about dripping down the back of the pharynx and sore throat. When searching for the causes of recurrence of AOM in an adult woman, taking into account the results of an objective examination of the ENT organs, there was a suspicion that she had LPR, which was confirmed by the results of the tests. Local treatment with the use of ear drops with lidocaine and phenazone, which stopped otalgia and inflammation due to the analgesic component and anti-inflammatory action, made it possible to avoid the appointment of systemic antibiotic therapy. Antireflux therapy and the elimination of the consequences of nonspecific inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa around the tubal fold made it possible to avoid the recurrence of AOM in a patient suffering from LPR.

Conclusion. Although the exact causal relationship between LPR and AOM is still unclear and new clinical and experimental studies are needed to study it in both children and adults taking into account acid, weak acid and alkaline refluxes, this cause of eustachian tube dysfunction must be taken into account in adult patients.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):177-181
pages 177-181 views


Delayed-release drugs for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis – drugs of choice in a comorbid patient

Andriyashkina D., Klimenko A., Demidova N., Kondrashov A., Anischenko M.


Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease in adults. Statistical data allow to talk about a constant increase in the number of patients suffering from this disease. Despite progress in understanding the pathogenesis of the disease, osteoarthritis remains an incurable pathology. Additional difficulties may arise in the presence of concomitant pathology in a patient, limiting the intake, in particular, of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The article presents modern approaches to the treatment of osteoarthritis, as well as clinical observation of a patient with comorbid pathology and the use of a delayed-release drug for its treatment.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):182-187
pages 182-187 views

Experience of successful use of a combination of methylsulfonylmethane, vitamin C and native collagen-2 in a patient with osteoarthritis of the knee joints on the background of obesity: a clinical case

Vasilyeva L., Gosteva E., Evstratova E., Suslova E.


Background. The article describes a case of successful treatment of a patient with Kellgren stage 1–2 knee osteoarthritis with obesity using a combination of methylsulfonylmethane, vitamin C and native collagen-2 as a non-drug treatment method.

Description of the clinical case. In patient M., the dynamics of pain articular syndrome with obesity was analyzed during treatment with a combination of methylsulfonylmethane, vitamin C and native collagen-2 for 60 days. Already on the 20th day of treatment, and fter 60 days, the pain in the joint, stiffness, and crepitus significantly decreased. There was a significant positive dynamics of laboratory, biochemical and ultrasound examination results.

Discussion. This clinical case clearly showed the effectiveness and safety of a combination of methylsulfonylmethane, vitamin C and native collagen-2, the rapid positive dynamics of the symptoms of the disease, results of additional laboratory and instrumental methods of examination.

Conclusion. The combination of methylsulfonylmethane, vitamin C and native collagen-2 can be recommended for use in patients with osteoarthritis in the early stages of the disease.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):188-191
pages 188-191 views


Problems of neuroprotective therapy of acute cerebrovascular accident

Klimov L., Akarachkova E., Lebedeva D.


Stroke is the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of death worldwide. The outcome of this condition is influenced by many factors, in particular the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases. With the development of both pharmacological and mechanical thrombolysis, some progress in the treatment of patients with ischemic stroke has been made. Nevertheless, there is a significant need to develop drugs for neuroprotection in acute ischemic stroke in order to protect the brain from damage before and during the recanalization process, extend the “therapeutic window” for intervention, and further improve the functional outcome of the disease. The article discusses the problems in the development of neuroprotective strategies, the mechanisms underlying these strategies, and issues related to the search for new drugs.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):192-196
pages 192-196 views

Vertebrogenic cervical radiculopathy: modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment

Levin O., Nikitina A., Nebozhin A.


In terms of frequency, neck pain is second only to two other pain syndromes: headache and low back pain. The cause of cervicalgia is vertebrogenic pathology, especially degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine. The most intense and persistent pain is characteristic of cervical radiculopathy (CRP), which accounts for 10% of all cervicalgia. The epidemiology of CRP, its etiology and pathogenesis, clinical picture, and diagnosis are presented. The principles of CRP treatment are discussed in detail. Particular attention is paid to the combination therapy of CRP with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and B vitamins.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):197-202
pages 197-202 views


Comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of the human placenta hydrolyzate in the correction of the age-associated facial skin changes

Kuznetsova E., Mezentseva E., Kudrevich Y., Dolgushin I., Ziganshin O., Zayats T., Nikushkina K.


Background. Age-associated facial skin changes are not only an aesthetic but also a social problem, especially for women. The key markers of skin aging include a decrease in regenerative potential, impaired barrier function, and loss of elasticity. With age, the proliferative and metabolic activity of dermal fibroblasts decreases, and structural and compositional remodeling of skin extracellular matrix proteins, primarily collagen, occurs. Human placenta hydrolyzate (HPH)-based peptide preparations are currently used for therapeutic purposes in various branches of medicine.

Objective. Comprehensive (clinical-instrumental, immunological, microbiological, immunohistochemical) evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of the HPH preparation for the correction of age-associated facial skin modifications.

Methods. The study included 25 women aged 39 to 59 years with signs of age-related facial skin changes. All women received five pharmacopuncture intramuscular injections of the drug Laennec into the projection of biologically active points of the face 2 ml per procedure 1 time in 5 days.

Results. After a course of five intramuscular injections of the HPH preparation into biologically active points of the face, a significant decrease in the depth of wrinkles in the paraorbital and perioral zones, the degree of deformation of the facial oval, an increase in skin hydration and bactericidal activity was noted. In the peripheral blood, a significant increase in the number of regulatory T-lymphocytes and monocytes was observed with a simultaneous increase in the activity and intensity of phagocytosis of the latter; the concentration of pro-inflammatory IL-6 and -8 decreased with a parallel increase in the IL-4 level. According to the mmunohistochemical analysis of the skin in the dermis, the bulk density of collagen-I and -III, laminin, FGF-2, TGF-β, VEGF, IL-1α, -6, -20 increased most significantly with a simultaneous decrease in PDGF and IL-8; there was an increase in the TGF-β, EGF levels and a decrease in IGF level in the epidermis.

Conclusion. Thus, the HPH preparation activates dermal fibroblasts, supports the renewal and trophism of epidermal cells, and restores the biomechanical and bactericidal properties of aging skin.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):203-212
pages 203-212 views

A personalized approach to omalizumab therapy in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria: case series

Petukhova A.


Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is one of the most common skin diseases and leads to a significant decrease in the quality of life of patients. In some cases, in the presence of angioedema of certain localizations, this disease can lead to life-threatening conditions. Patients whose CSU is not controlled by fourfold doses of non-sedating antihistamines require genetically engineered biological therapy (GEBT) with omalizumab. Wherein, it is not always possible to achieve complete control of CSU using standard doses of this drug. Current therapeutic strategies allow achieving a complete response to therapy by escalating doses of omalizumab. This article presents the clinical experience of successful personalized selection of GIBT in patients with severe CSU, refractory to standard treatment.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):214-220
pages 214-220 views


Endothelial dysfunction indicators in children with hemolytic-uremic syndrome

Makarova T., Davlieva L., Melnikova Y., Khusnutdinova D.


Background. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) is one of the important causes of acute kidney injury (AKI) in children. An analysis of the literature data demonstrates the central role of endothelial dysfunction (ED) in numerous pathophysiological processes, including in kidney disease. This article discusses the ED indicators (endothelin-1 – ET-1 and nitric oxide – NO) in the blood serum of children with HUS.

Objective. Determination of the clinical diagnostic and prognostic value of ET-1 and NO in blood serum in children with HUS.

Methods. The 2-stage study was carried out. At the first stage of the study, a retrospective analysis of 89 case histories of children aged from 3 months to 17 years with a typical form of HUS (stec-HUS) was carried out. The second stage included a prospective study with participation of 31 children with stec-HUS.

Results. As a result of the determination of the blood serum ET-1 level in patients with stec-HUS in the prospective group, a significant increase in its level in the acute period of the disease and before discharge compared with the data of the control group was revealed (P<0.001); when examined a year later, high blood serum ET-1 level in convalescent children with HUS persisted, which indicates a persistent impairment of the vasomotor function of the vascular endothelium in children with HUS. The results of determination of blood serum NO level in children with stec-HUS, on the contrary, showed a decrease in NO level in the acute stage of the disease and before discharge compared with the control group (P<0.05). When examining convalescent children with-HUS 1 year after, an increase in the blood serum NO level was revealed.

Conclusion. The formation of chronic kidney disease (CKD) after stec-HUS and its progression was accompanied by a significant increase in the ET-1 level and a decrease in the NO level in all studied groups compared with the control group (P<0.05), which indicates a violation of the vasomotor function of the endothelium.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):221-225
pages 221-225 views

Rationale for the use of trospium chloride in the first line of therapy for overactive bladder

Danilov V., Volnykh I.


The problem of an overactive bladder has been relevant for the last decades. Currently, drugs from the pharmacological group of M-cholinolytics, which increase the functional capacity of the bladder and reduce the severity of the clinical picture of urination disorders, are considered to be the main tool for the treatment. Moreover, M-anticholinergics with the chemical structure of tertiary amines affect the central nervous system. In this regard, trospium chloride, being a water-soluble quaternary base, has significant advantages in diagnosing the functional state of the central nervous system while prescribing treatment.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):226-230
pages 226-230 views


The relationship between obesity, vitamin D deficiency and osteoporosis, as well as methods for their correction

Salukhov V., Kovalevskaya E.


The prevalence of obesity in the world is becoming alarming. Along with aging of the population, pathology of bone metabolism is also a big and often hidden, problem. The detection of obesity and calcium metabolism disorders with bone tissue damage have long be recognized as mutually aggravating factors. In our country, according to scientific research, the vitamin D deficiency has become widespread due to geographical features and climatic conditions. It is more common in obese patients than in those with a normal mass body. The prevalence of osteoporosis among obese patients is not always more pronounced than among patients with normal weight. Apparently, there are some controversial features of the pathogenesis of osteoporosis and obesity. On the one hand, adipose tissue produces a variety of protective substrates, including estrogens, which improves the state of bone tissue. On the other hand, the effect of excess weight on bone mineral density has been established in the form of a higher risk of osteopenia and bone fractures in obese individuals. In our article, we observe the effect of obesity on the state of bone metabolism, vitamin D metabolism and deposition. Due to deposition of the cholecalciferol in adipose tissue, large doses and longer saturation courses are required to correct vitamin D deficiency in overweight patients. Therapy for osteoporosis in obesity has a number of features associated with significant marrow obesity and a static load on brittle bone. In the such case, it is preferable to use the antiresorptive drugs discussed in our article.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):232-239
pages 232-239 views

Medical management

Dynamics of the relationship between self-attitude and self-actualization among medical students

Bonkalo T., Shmeleva S., Aralova E., Kovaleva M., Eremin M.


Background. The problem of the relationship between self-attitude and self-actualization of medical students is analyzed. For 1st-year students, the desire for the most complete identification and development of personal capabilities is carried out primarily by obtaining information about themselves and a favorable attitude towards themselves; for 4th -year students – by a positive attitude towards themselves, self-confidence and the ability to accept themselves as they really are on the basis of real and deep knowledge about themselves.

Objective. Determination of the dynamics of the relationship between self-attitude and self-actualization of medical students in the process of their education at the university.

Methods. The on-line study was carried out. Study included 530 students of medical universities in Russia, of which 320 were 1st-year students and 210 – 4th-year students. Two diagnostic methods were used: the CAT method (the Russian version of the POI (Personal Orientation Inventory) method, E. Shostrom) and the Self-Attitude Test (V.V. Stolin, S.R. Pantileev). The main research method was the cross-sectional method. Statistical methods included the Mann-Whitney U-test (for unconjugated samples) and the Spearman rank correlation method.

Results. Differences in terms of independence of values and judgments, the ability to express their thoughts and feelings spontaneously and directly, as well as in terms of self-interest and self-accusation were revealed between groups of 1st- and 4th-year medical students. Differences between groups are also manifested in the nature of the relationship between self-actualization and self-attitude of students.

Conclusion. In general, the results of the study indicate the development of the traits of a self-actualizing personality in future doctors in the process of their studies at the university; it was found, however, that many medical students are characterized by a decrease in sensitivity to problems and creativity, which can be attributable to both subjective and objective factors. The revealed dynamics of the relationship between self-attitude and self-actualization of medical students determines the feasibility of organizing special training sessions with students – future doctors, focused on helping them in self-development and self-actualization.

Pharmateca. 2023;30(1/2):240-246
pages 240-246 views