A personalized approach to omalizumab therapy in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria: case series

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Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is one of the most common skin diseases and leads to a significant decrease in the quality of life of patients. In some cases, in the presence of angioedema of certain localizations, this disease can lead to life-threatening conditions. Patients whose CSU is not controlled by fourfold doses of non-sedating antihistamines require genetically engineered biological therapy (GEBT) with omalizumab. Wherein, it is not always possible to achieve complete control of CSU using standard doses of this drug. Current therapeutic strategies allow achieving a complete response to therapy by escalating doses of omalizumab. This article presents the clinical experience of successful personalized selection of GIBT in patients with severe CSU, refractory to standard treatment.

About the authors

Anna Yu. Petukhova

Central City Clinical Hospital № 6

Author for correspondence.
Email: anna-petuhova@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5103-2446

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Headof the Outpatient Consultative Department of Allergology and Immunology

Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg


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