On Possible Reasons for the Relationship of Zero-Charge Potentials and Critical Passivation Potentials of IV–VI and VIII Group Transition Metals of Periodic System in Neutral Organic Media


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Electrostatic nature of the relationship of zero-charge potentials and critical passivation potentials of IV –VI and VIII group transition metals of the periodic system in a series of proton donor and aprotic solvents, whose adsorption on the metal surface initiates transition of metal to passive state at a particular shift of potential relative to Eq = 0, is considered.

Об авторах

A. Popova

Maikop State Technological University

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Email: ang.popova@gmail.com
Россия, Maikop, 385000

R. Bedanokov

Maikop State Technological University

Email: ang.popova@gmail.com
Россия, Maikop, 385000

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2019

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