Bioethics in a “remote format” or removed bioethics?





The active transition to digital civilization coincided with the pandemic of the new coronavirus. It can be assumed that it was the pandemic that accelerated this process. In any case, people immediately faced to new phenomena, which can affect both physical and social health. Many phenomena, including both digitalization and pandemic, have not been explained and properly assessed yet. Absence of proper explanation and assessment creates a fertile field for insurance, doubts and mistakes. Therefore at the present time the evaluative and explanatory role of bioethics is invaluable. But a paradoxical situation arises: the more bioethics help is needed, the less attention is paid to its development. The transfer of bioethics study for medical students into a distance format eliminates its communicative meanings and deprives future doctors of the opportunity to develop skills and competencies in medicine. Something must be done in order not to lose the achievements of the national training system in the field of bioethics. Certain suggestions are expressed in the article.


N. Sedova

FSBEI HE “The Volgograd State medical university” of the Ministry of Health of Russia; SBI “VolgogradMedical Research Center”

Chief Editor Deputy of “Bioethics” journal, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scholar of.RF, Head of PhilosophyChief Editor Deputy of “Bioethics” journal, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scholar of.RF, Head of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law Department; Head of the Department of Ethical, Legal and Sociological Examination in Medicine


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