Religiousness as a factor for forming the bioethics ideology of patients




The aim of the study was to explore the moral and ethical and bioethical representations of believers and nonbelievers among patients in order to assess the influence of religiosity on the formation of a bioethical ideology and morally responsible attitude to the use of medical services. Study participants were divided into two groups in accordance with religious belief - believers (53,0%) and non-believers (47,0%). We found that there is a difference in all variables related to moral and ethical state of the patients between believers and non-believers. Moreover, we observe differences in the attitude of patients to all 7 analyzed biomedical technologies: in vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, human cloning, organ transplantation, fetal cell therapy, abortion and euthanasia. The attitude to the biomedical technologies of religious patients is bioethically responsible and is built on moral grounds, has a moral value and is filled with moral meaning. Religiousness promotes a deeper understanding by patients of the meaning of bioethical dilemmas and morally responsible attitude to medical interventions in the life and death of a person. The results obtained make it possible to assert that religiosity, acting as a factor in the formation of the bioethical ideology of patients, is an ethical regulator of the practice of using biomedical technologies.


T. Svetlichnaya

Northern state medical University

Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Public health, Health Care and Social work Arkhangelsk

L. Menshikova

Northern state medical University

Doctor of medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Public health, Health Care and Social work Arkhangelsk

O. Kharkova

Northern state medical University

Candidate of psychological Sciences, Ass. professor of the Department Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology Arkhangelsk

G. Shchekin

Volgograd State Medical University

D. Sc. (sociology), Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law with a Course of Sociology of Medicine of Medical Sociology Volgograd, Russia


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版权所有 © Svetlichnaya T.G., Menshikova L.I., Kharkova O.A., Shchekin G.Y., 2018

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