New opportunities bioethical training of future doctors

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The Commission on social and humanitarian areas of scientific and educational activities in medicine has been approved by decision of the Presidium of the Cluster "South" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation/ The Commission began its work in January 2019. This is the first attempt to unite humanitarians of medical universities in our country. The Commission plans, in particular, to promote and protect biomedical ethics as a mandatory discipline in secondary, higher and postgraduate medical education.

About the authors

A. V. Petrov

Volgograd state medical University

Doctor ofphilosophy, Professor of the Department of philosophy, bioethics and law with the course of sociology of medicine of Volgograd state medical University, senior researcher of the Volgograd medical research center

O. V. Kostenko

Volgograd state medical University

Candidate of medical Sciences, associate Professor of philosophy, bioethics and law


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Copyright (c) 2019 Petrov A.V., Kostenko O.V.

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