Bioethics of prudence and axiology of recklessness

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Reanimation of long-discredited aspirations of hermetic symbolic philosophy, social Darwinism, eugenics, social hygiene, and now also transhumanism in order to solve the problems of social and individual human existence by technical means of biomedical manipulation of scientific expression of a kind of "obsession" with utopian projects of scientific-technocratic ideologies. However, resisting the threats of anthropological catastrophes and environmental crises is not a molecular genetic or biomedical problem. This is the problem of overcoming social antagonisms (class, ethno-cultural, etc.), revealed in the form of contradictions and conflicts, immanent to the present variety of activities of modern capitalism in nature and society.

About the authors

V. I. Strelchenko

RSPU A. I. Herzen

doctor ofphilosophy. Ph. D., Professor, Head of the Philisophical Ddepartment г. Санкт-Петербург


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