Results of the social research of the relationship of students of the medical university to obtained education

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The article examines the attitude of students of a medical higher education institution to the education they receive. On the basis of the Astrakhan State Medical University, a sociological study was conducted among the fifth and sixth year students of the medical, pediatric, dental, medical and preventive faculties. The designated category of students answered the questions of the questionnaire («Attitude of students of the Astrakhan State Medical University to the education they receive»). The study examined and tested two groups - young men and women of graduating courses of medical high school, their attitude to the education received at the university was determined, a sociological survey was conducted using an author's questionnaire consisting of 15 questions. The study examined the motives for choosing this profession among medical university students, as well as the prospects for continuing to stay in the health care system after graduation, and what are the reasons for the lack of desire for graduates of a medical university to work in health care institutions. In the course of the study, the tendencies towards the leakage of personnel were determined based on the results of the survey. It was determined the relationship to the education received.

About the authors

I. R. Shagina

Astrakhan State Medical University ofMinistry of Health ofRussia

candidate social sciences, senior lecturer, associate professor of the department Physics, Mathematics and Medical Informatics г. Астрахань

T. A. Smahtina

Astrakhan State Medical University ofMinistry of Health ofRussia

candidate ofpsychological sciences, senior lecturer, associate professor of the department of Psychology and Pedagogy г. Астрахань

A. S. Kubekova

Astrakhan State Medical University ofMinistry of Health ofRussia

senior teacher ofPsychology and Pedagogy г. Астрахань


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Copyright (c) 2019 Shagina I.R., Smahtina T.A., Kubekova A.S.

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