Ethics of time management in the conditions of modern domestic health care system

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The health care system in the present conditions of its reform, the interaction of science, education and practice of medicine, business, public authorities, requires effective management. This is due to the development of the current stage of time management, one of the most important tasks is the desire to improve their own efficiency, rapid achievement of their objectives, provide career growth. However, due to inattention to the best historical traditions of Russian medicine and medical education a trend of depreciation of the spiritual component of healing is revealed. In this regard, it is necessary to understand the ethical problems of time management. The solution of these problems requires the revival of the moral and ethical traditions of domestic healing, the restoration of the humanization of the profession. Approaches to this are seen in changing the organization and content of higher medical education.

About the authors

I. E. Ditkovskaia

Siberian Federal University

PhD, associate professor Humanities Institute г. Красноярск, Российская Федерация


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