Once again - on Ethical Committees status

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Due to new biotechnologies being actively integrated in medicine, their application is becoming an issue of ethical risks. The field of bioethics searches for answers to these questions. This science must perform assessing, explanatory and prognostic functions. These are only special social bodies of ethics regulation - ethics committees - who are able to fulfill these tasks. Though, their status in Russia has not been legitimized yet, there is no single system of such committees organized to the principle of a network or hierarchy. It is important to take theoretical and practical efforts to define and establish the status of ethics committees and actively implement their recommendations.

About the authors

N. N. Sedova

FSBEI HE «The Volgograd State medical university» of the Ministry of Health of Russia; SBI «Volgograd Medical Research Center»

Email: nns18@yandex.ru
Chief Editor Deputy of «Bioethics» journal, Doctor in Philosophy, Doctor in Law, Professor, Honored Scholar ofRF, Head of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law Department; Head of the Department of Ethical, Legal and Sociological Examination in Medicine


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Copyright (c) 2019 Sedova N.N.

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