Quests as an innovative pedagogical technology for assessing the quality of students’ training in hygienic education: ethical aspects and problems

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The urgent task of vocational training for a medical student is the introduction of innovative educational technologies that increase the interest of students and "include" them in a joint production with the teacher of knowledge and their active use. The article discusses some ethical aspects and problems that arose during the quest for the discipline "Hygiene" as an innovative technology. The authors noted that the nature of the relationship between students and teachers is changing (the teacher at the time of the quest turns into a group member moderator who has special rights and who ensures that other participants comply with the rules of the game). Secondly, the problem arises of combining the collective (group) activity of students and individual interest in the results of work. Thirdly, inertia and reluctance to depart from the traditional mass practices of assessing the quality of knowledge by older faculty, "the gap in the generational values of the educational process". Thus, the quest raises the level of students' interest in the subject, allows them to be active participants in the actions, stimulates the development of such professional skills of the doctor as teamwork, the ability to make quick decisions, and act in conditions of uncertainty. In the face of increasing demands on the quality of vocational education, it is necessary to popularize the quest and other innovative educational technologies among university professors.

About the authors

N. I Latyshevskaya

Volgograd state medical university, SI «Volgograd Medical Research Center»

MD, professor, head of the department of general hygiene and ecology Volgograd, Russia

L. A Davydenko

Volgograd state medical university, SI «Volgograd Medical Research Center»

MD, professor of the of the department of general hygiene and ecology Volgograd, Russia

A. V. Belyaeva

Volgograd state medical university, SI «Volgograd Medical Research Center»

PhD, assistant of the of the department of general hygiene and ecology Volgograd, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2018 Latyshevskaya N.I., Davydenko L.A., Belyaeva A.V.

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