On non-disclosure of hiv-positive status

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In many cases, people do not disclose their HIV-positive status because of fear of being rejected by society. This can have both positive and negative effects. Between 2012-2014 we performed an anonymous survey of 187 HIV-positive patients and individual interviews of 52 HIV-positive patients in the Volgograd regional center for prevention and treatment of AIDS and infectious diseases and the Volgograd regional clinical hospital for infectious diseases №1 to evaluate and describe the influence of disclosing HIV-positive status on the doctor-patient relationship and interactions of patients and their families. We analyzed the frequencies of responses to the questions posed in the questionnaire (expressed as a percentage) and for interview questions to conclude that the doctor-patient relationship and interactions of patients and their families correlate with decision-making about disclosure of HIV-positive status. Disclosure of HIV infection to the family members was associated with high levels of interaction; however, disclosure of HIV infection to health professionals was associated with low levels of interaction (unfriendly attitudes, lack of confidentiality). The article describes the motives which guide decision-making about disclosure of HIV-positive status in HIV-positive patients.

About the authors

O. A Chernyavskaya

Volgograd State Medical University

Email: chernyavolga@yandex.ru
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, Tropical Medicine Volgograd

E. A Ioannidi

Volgograd State Medical University

Email: infdis1@rambler.ru
MD, Professor, head of the Department of infectious diseases, epidemiology, tropical medicine Volgograd

A. S Frolova

Volgograd State Medical University

Email: saha23032009@mail.ru
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, Tropical Medicine Volgograd


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Copyright (c) 2016 Chernyavskaya O.A., Ioannidi E.A., Frolova A.S.

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