Ethical content of social maladjustment in retired athletes

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The article reviews ethical behavior of retired athletes in post-sports life. We analyzed the predictors of social maladjustment in elite athletes in post-sports period and identified ethical aspects of their negative behaviour. We studied the likelihood of unethical behavior which include irresponsibility, ignoring and breaking social norms, rules and responsibilities, having difficulty maintaining stable relationships, aggression and violent behavior, lacking any true sense of guilt, inability to learn lessons through failure, and a tendency to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior bringing them into conflict with society. We conclude that a post-sports adjustment program must consider the ethical issues of a new daily routine for retired athletes.

About the authors

I. V. Fedotova

Volgograd State Academy of Physical Education

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Sports Medicine Volgograd

M. E Statsenko

Volgograd State Academy of Physical Education

MD, professor, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Faculty of Pediatrics and Dentistry, Vicerector for Research Volgograd

M. A Sukhoruchko

Volgograd State Academy of Physical Education

Graduate student of the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law Volgograd


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Copyright (c) 2016 Fedotova I.V., Statsenko M.E., Sukhoruchko M.A.

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