Authoritative participation of the russian medical centres in UNESCO’S programs for education, training and information in the field of bioethics

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In the article, the stages of long-term cooperation of the leading Russian educational chairs in bioethics with the responsible for ethics of science and technologies bodies in UNESCO are presented. The analysis of the main activities on creation and development of educational, information and debatable resources concerning the universal ethical principles proclaimed in the Universal declaration UNESCO (2005) “On bioethics and human rights” is given. The value of the process related with an extensive discussion the questions for realization of ethical principles at the specialized conferences organized by UNESCO Chair in Bioethics is comprehensively consecrated. The special part is assigned to thematic and system publications on a problem of bioethics and representation of priorities of ethical thinking on various administrative platforms for the purpose of formation of humanitarian influence and construction of the harmonized space for application of ethical principles in all areas of biology and medicine. Value of the magazine “BIOETHICA”, as innovative platform on creation of broad access to fundamental knowledge and initiative projects in the field of bioethics for representatives of medical audience and adjacent professions is shown.

About the authors

O. I Kubar

Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute

PhD, leading scientific researcher, laboratory for etiologic and control of viral infections, Member of bioethics committee Russian UNESCO Commission; EFGCP Board member; ex-member IBC Board UNESCO St. Petersburg

G. L Mikirtichan

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, professor, head of Chair of Humanities and Bioethics St. Petersburg

N. N Sedova

"Volgograd Medical Research Center"; Volgograd state medical university "

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, full Professor, head of the Department of the ethical, legal and sociological expertise of "Volgograd Medical Research Center", Head of the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law with a course of Sociology of Medicine of " Volgograd state medical university " Volgograd

A. Z. Likhtshangof

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical

MD, PhD, associate professor, Chair of Humanities and Bioethics St. Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2018 Kubar O.I., Mikirtichan G.L., Sedova N.N., Likhtshangof A.Z.

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