Ethical dilemmas of modern nursing practice

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The issues of the day of the ethic adjusting of modern sisterly practice are examined in the article, in particular, steady tendency, sent to confrontation and disconnect of medical workers and patients, and also reasons of this phenomenon. Legal and ethic unpreparedness of sisterly personnel results in ignoring of organization of professional care of seriously sick and immobile patients. Nurses, trusting a sisterly care to the casual people, dramatically worsen the prognosis for patients at high risk, demonstrating a lack of understanding of the essence of their profession, as well as violation of a number of legal and ethical documents. In Russian nursing there is a situation of terminological confusion of two completely different concepts: "professional" and "home" care. Independence and autonomy of profession of nurse must show up, foremost, in organization of the care of patients, based on scientific proofs. The professional caring must answer necessary requirements, such as scientific character, system, individual approach and documentation. Authors discuss the value of block of socially-humanitarian disciplines in education of medical sister. His tasks include teaching business etiquette, shaping the ethical thinking of the nurse and her ability to empathize (understanding and sharing the feelings of the other). Education of skills of ethic behavior of medical worker requires the observance of two obligatory conditions. The first condition is a sufficient volume of humanities in programs of all levels of preparation of sisterly personnel. The second condition of overcoming of break of theory of educating and practice of direct work is maintenance of the mode of "psychical asepsis" in medical establishments. In particular, on the base of hospitals the constantly operating joint medical-sisterly ethic training is needed.

About the authors

E. L. Konopleva

Smolensk state medical University

Associate Professor of the Department of philosophy, history of medicine, bioethics and social Sciences, candidate of medical Sciences Смоленск

V. M. Ostapenko

Smolensk state medical University

Head. the Department of philosophy, history of medicine, bioethics and social Sciences, doctor of medical Sciences, associate Professor Смоленск


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