How does political reflection determine the choice of methods in bioethics

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Article analyzes the interrelation of bioethics and politics methods.. Bioethics does not only have an impact on social processes through the network of bioethics committees, but is also affected by politics. This relationship is reflected in the discussion of bioethics methods. The current policies of the modern world account for the failure to create a single system of bioethics methods. The author analyzed the main bioethics methods and highlighted the limitations of Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress’s principalism. The weak point of their theory is insufficient consideration of the factors, which determine the conditions of medical and research activities In conclusion, the author substantiates the need for new bioethics methodology, which would consider situational and conventional ethical principles.

About the authors

K. A Petrov

Volgograd State Medical University; Volgograd Medical Research Center

Ph.D, Associate Professor of the department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law with a course of Medical Sociology, Senior Researcher, Department of Ethical, Legal and Sociological Expertise in Medicine, Volgograd Medical Research Center Volgograd


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Copyright (c) 2016 Petrov K.A.

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