Current problem fields in bioethics research

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The article presents the results of the analysis of current research in the field of Bioethics. The materials of international conferences and congresses on Bioethics, Medical ethics and Medical law were analyzed. The 12th International Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Medical Law (Limassol, 21-23 March 2017) is of crucial importance for determining the trends of bioethical research. The main directions of the conference were as follows: Education in the field of bioethics, Ethical committees, Biomedical research and experiments, Forensic medicine, Law and ethics. The ethical problems of medical tourism, which were also discussed at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with attended by international researchers "Modern Tourism in Healthcare and Health Care" (Pyatigorsk, May 26-27, 2017) were of particular interest at the conference. Another milestone event for the development of bioethical research was the 23rd International Congress on Medical Law organized by the World Association of Medical Law (Baku, Azerbaijan, July 2017). The congress was held under the title "Medical Law, Bioethics and Multiculturalism" and included three problem areas: Bioethics and Medical Legal Education, Bioethics and Religion, Multiculturalism - Challenges of Medical Law and Legal Medicine in the 21st century. The involvement of the student community in scientific research is of great importance for the integration of the basic values of bioethics. In this regard, the World Bioethics Days organized by the International Network of Bioethics Chairs of UNESCO, which have been organized since 2016, are of great value.

About the authors

A. D Donika

Volgograd State Medical University

D. Sc. (sociology), Associate professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law with a Course of Sociology of Medicine of Medical Sociology Volgograd, Russia

G. Yu Shchekin

Volgograd State Medical University

D. Sc. (sociology), Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law with a Course of Sociology of Medicine of Medical Sociology Volgograd, Russia

I. V Shestakova

Volgograd State Medical University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management Volgograd, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2017 Donika A.D., Shchekin G.Y., Shestakova I.V.

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