Acquisition of deontological principles through game technologies

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The actual task of professional education of students is the development of independent evaluation and selection of information received. In pedagogical practice, active and interactive teaching methods are used. The influence of the role play on the formation and assimilation of deontological principles among the students of a medical college was studied. The initial level of knowledge on the principles of deontology revealed 48% of correct answers. After the role play and discussion of the basic deontological principles of the relationship between the doctor -patient, the doctor - the nurse, the degree of mastering the material was estimated at 79% of the correct answers. It is established that the use of role games consolidates professional skills, reveals the creative abilities of students and the ability to find solutions in various clinical situations. Mastering students with deontological principles of behavior makes it possible to avoid conflict situations in further independent work. The results of the conducted research showed high efficiency of the use of gaming technologies in the educational process.

About the authors

I. V. Starikova

Volgograd State Medical University

Candidate of Medical Science, assistant of the Department of Therapeutic Stomatology Volgograd

N. V. Piterskaya

Volgograd State Medical University

Candidate of Medical Science, аssistant of the Department of Therapeutic Stomatology Volgograd

T. N Radyshevskaya

Volgograd State Medical University

Candidate of Medical Science, аssistant of the Department of Therapeutic Stomatology Volgograd

N. F Alyoshina

Volgograd State Medical University

Candidate of Medical Science, аssistant of the Department of Therapeutic Stomatology Volgograd


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Copyright (c) 2018 Starikova I.V., Piterskaya N.V., Radyshevskaya T.N., Alyoshina N.F.

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