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This is an attempt to analyze the phenomenon of a clinical engineering and clinical engineer's position in terms of the norms and principles of bioethics. There is proved the presence of feedback in the bioethical regulation of development, testing and maintenance of biomedical devices, and the importance in this regard, the institute of clinical engineering. It was found that the clinical engineer is a translator of a competences, capable to a comprehensive, summary analysis of the technical and clinical incidents in the operation of medical equipment with the construction of generalizing conclusions that are suitable for consideration from the standpoint of bioethics, and to the implementation of formalized and non - formalized regulations, standards and elements of a clinical experience in the development phase of new types of biomedical equipment and materials.

About the authors

A. V Guschin

Volgograd State Medical University

MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnical Systems and Technologies Volgograd


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