The dichotomy between clinical and ethical decisions in medicine

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The article describes clinical case of intensive care and nursing of premature babies suffering from several serious diseases. The authors show the arguments of doctors, the mother of the child, give them legal and ethical evaluation. The main conclusion of the article is the statement of the absolute values of life compared to other human values. The question is, is it moral to preserve life, prolonging suffering? The authors pay attention to role of ethical committees in resolving conflicts between doctor and patient or his representative. The authors note the difference in the capabilities of the treatment and nursing of a child in full-time and part family, recognize the need to attract doctors - obstetrician-gynecologists to solving complex issues in neonatology.

About the authors

D. A Shipunov

«City hospital № 3»

D. Sc. (Medicine), Professor, Chief Physician Volzhsky

N. L Maltseva

Volgograd State Medical University

D. Sc. (Philosophy), professor of Department of philosophy, bioethics and law with a course of medicine sociology

A. A Shestakov

«Maternity hospital № 2»

Obstetrician-gynecologist Rostov-on-Don


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Copyright (c) 2015 Shipunov D.A., Maltseva N.L., Shestakov A.A.

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